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Hyunsuk couldn’t help but to massage his temple. He is currently watching a live broadcast that Doyoung just started. It’s less than 5 minutes in, and the kids have been spilling things they shouldn’t. Suddenly, there’s a knocking sound during the live broadcast. This time, Jihoon is the one who opened the door while Doyoung tried to shift the attention from what he, Jihoon and Jeongwoo just spilled earlier.

“You’re doing live?” Hyunsuk can hear Junkyu’s voice. Probably he just came back from getting more chicken as per Doyoung’s TMI earlier. He can also hear Jaehyuk’s and Junghwan’s voice before Junkyu also appeared on the screen followed by Jaehyuk and Junghwan. Jihoon is nowhere to be found now.

“What’s wrong with the comments?” Junkyu chuckled as he saw the comments are being so fast. “Did you guys screw up?”

“Most probably,” Junghwan said. “I saw someone commented good luck to Jihoon hyung for getting nominated,”

“There’s even a comment saying that they are looking forward to our comeback in January. Did the company announce it already?” Junkyu asked. 

“Jeongwoo drama? You did a drama?” Junghwan asked.

“Anyway. I got my chicken already. This is very delicious, you guys. The organizer gave us after rehearsal and I just found out that we can get more for free. You see? The brand is,” Junkyu looked for the brand and put it on to make sure it was shown on the screen. “This brand. MyFry. This is so good, guys. You guys should try it. And yeah. I got another Supreme hoodie. It’s a limited edition. You guys have already seen it before. On our Instagram,”

Hyunsuk looked away from the screen as he heard his phone ring. He took his phone that he put on the side table. It’s Dongwoo. He answered the call.

“Yes, hyung?” Hyunsuk asked.

“I just want to let you know that T5 will perform on the Entertainment Award Show tonight. Are you still at the company?” Dongwoo asked.

“I’m already home,” Hyunsuk said.

“Ah. Jihoon is nominated for an award tonight,” Dongwoo said.

“I know,” Hyunsuk said.

“Did Jihoon tell you?” Dongwoo asked.

“No. I just found out from their broadcast,” Hyunsuk said.

“Eh? They did? Does the company let them to? Didn’t the award show usually post the nominee like 10 minutes before the ceremony for the awards on their official SNS?” Dongwoo asked.

“I don’t think their company will let them,” Hyunsuk said. “It’s Jeongwoo who spilled it,”

“Jeongwoo? Park Jeongwoo? He’s in T5’s live broadcast?” Dongwoo asked. “How did you know?”

“I’m currently watching,” Hyunsuk looked at the current view. “They just passed 100k viewers. For a sudden live broadcast, it’s quite amusing,”

“Oh my god! 100k?!”

“I feel like you need to call Howon hyung and tell the company about it. They also accidentally spilled T5 comeback schedules and Jeongwoo’s acting gig as well,” Hyunsuk said.

“Is it that bad?” Dongwoo asked.

“Currently Junkyu has been interacting with the audience while saying brand names. This broadcast definitely won’t get a replay anyway. But it would be better if you tell the company about it so they can prepare how to react. The views keep on rising and the comments are discussing things that have been spoiled earlier,” Hyunsuk said.

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