Author's note

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Dear all my loves,

I never thought that I would actually start writing a story, let alone a fanfiction. To be honest, I have started stories multiple times, only to give up in the middle, so I'm not entirely sure why this came to a completion.

The idea of a ishman fanfic came while I was scrolling on Instagram, I saw a page which did a fanfic pov sort of reel. Ever since then, the idea sort of stayed with me. Then one day I saw another reel, specifically the last lines of this story. The lines were that of a Pakistani actor. The minute I saw that, I knew I had to write a story of ishman, with those lines as the ending.

Writing has always been excruciatingly painful for me, I never liked anything that I wrote, so this story has been a very emotional one for me. I didn't like anything I wrote, I just made my sister read it and published it. Even though each and every day I spent on this story has been frustrating for me, this story became my fitoor. I constantly thought of this story, I constantly made scenarios in my head, fixing lines, trying to find reels that matched, or finding a reel and then changing everything I wrote to accommodate that reel. This story has been nothing short of a madness for me, part of me is glad that it's over, and the other half of me is sobbing right now.

I wanted this story to explore a lot of types of love. I wanted it to be realistic , something that you and I feel each day. Love which was never reciprocated. Love that hurt, love that drove us insane, love that made us better people, love that brought us closer to God. I wanted to explore the love of parents who loved their children unconditionally and parents who put forth conditions. I wanted to write about characters that were broken, but still managed to be brave and characters who would have survived if someone had been kind to them. Maybe I did a good job, maybe I didn't, I don't know.

I know a lot of you hate me, or dislike the fact that ishman never ended up together, I'm sorry about that, but not all love stories end up being completed. Some love stories are the ones where love isn't enough.

Anyways, I am finally ending this note, and this story. I loved each and everyone I met because of this story. I loved all the comments, and all the interactions I saw among you guys. I have made some good friends because of this story ( I think, I'm not sure anymore though) and for that I am grateful. I am thankful for everyone who has read and supported me through this.

I will see you again, if I come back with another story, if not, then this is it.

Your sincerely,

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