September 1

780 63 31

Two days after the incident

POV: Ishaan Kishan.

Ishaan helped his mom into bed and adjusted her blanket. After a minor heart attack, an angioplasty and a day under observation, she was back home. She was lucky that it was a minor issue and her elder son was smart enough to see through the signs. Ishaan's elder brother, Raj who was a cardiologist rushed her to the hospital.

‘ Ishaan, stay with me baccha’ she said softly.

Ishaan smiled and got into bed and rested his head on her stomach.

‘ You have grown so skinny,’ she complained.

Ishaan laughed.

‘ I'm not that skinny mom, I'm lean. I have to be’ he replied, turning towards her.

Even in her early fifties, Ishaan's mom was a beauty. Everyone always says, Ishaan got his good looks from her. She ran her slender fingers through his hair and hummed a song.

‘ Arey wah, now that your ladla is back, you will forget about the rest of us?’ Ishaan's dad teased and settled beside his wife.

Ishaan's mom laughed and rested her head against his shoulder. Seeing them together made Ishaan feel warm on the inside.

‘ Ishaan, baccha. Have you thought about getting married?’ his dad hesitantly asked.

Ishaan groaned and hid his face from them. His mind immediately went to Shubman.

‘ Ishu…’ his mom said softly, caressing his head.

‘ I don't want to get married yet’ his voice was muffled.

‘Tsk, tsk, Ishaan look at your mom when you are talking’ his dad was stern.

Ishaan turned to look at them again. His eyes tearing up.

‘ oh you made him cry!’ his mom glared at the dad.

‘ What?! You wanted to talk about it too,’ he protested.

‘ Ishu, we aren't asking you to get married now. All we are saying is that, you need to consider it’

‘ You need someone to take care of you, someone who will wait for you to come back home, someone who will cook your favorite meals. Someone to cry with, laugh with…’ his mom explained to him.

Ishaan wiped his tears and held her hands. All he could think about was Shubman. He wanted to marry Shubman, but now it's nothing but dead hope.

‘ What's wrong, Ishu? We know you aren't crying because of this topic’ Ishaan dad asked patting his head.

Ishaan got back up and sat down with his legs crossed. Maybe, he should tell them everything. He gulped down his fear and tried to calm down.

‘ mom…dad.. I uh, I need to tell you something ‘ his voice trembled.

His mom and dad exchanged nervous glances.

‘ Are you on drugs?’ his dad blurted out.

‘ What, no!’

‘ What is it then?’ his mom gripped his hands tightly.

‘ I uh .. I am um..’ he tried to tell them.

‘ I am bisexual. I have … I mean, I had a boyfriend ‘ he spilled out.

An awkward silence settled in the room. Ishaan closed his eyes and waited for his dad to hit him, or his mom to disown him.

‘ why…why didn't you tell us?’ his mom finally asked.

Ishaan opened his eyes and stared at them in shock.

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