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POV: Ishaan Kishan

Ishaan sat outside on the balcony with a black coffee and with a cigarette. He shouldn't have drunk so much alcohol. He had a throbbing headache and felt nauseated. The cold winds helped him ease a little as he closed his eyes for a while.
The sound of the sliding door made Ishaan open his eyes. Shubman stood near the doorway and his eyes showed anger

‘ I told you not to smoke in my house’

‘ Babe, the door was closed’

‘ No, it wasn't. Now the whole house smells like smoke’

Ishaan didn't say anything and looked away. He didn't need the lecture this early in the morning.
Shubman stared at Ishaan for a while, hoping for a reply. Ishaan had looked away from him, that probably means the conversation was over. Infuriated he went inside.

Ishaan saw Shubman standing near the coffee machine as he came back in.

‘ Sorry about that, I will be careful from now on’ Ishaan said softly.


‘ How was the dinner?’ Ishaan asked


Ishaan took a deep sigh and sat down and stared at Shubman. One thing he has learned from their relationship was how differently they dealt with anger. Ishaan always chose to deal with it silently. Whenever he got angry he would become silent. The angrier he got, the quieter he became. He would then leave the room to cool off, because he doesn't know when his silence might turn into violence. Shubman on the other hand dealt with his anger loudly. At first he wouldn't say anything, after a while, he would go off, like a bomb.
So Ishaan patiently waited till Shubman's anger exploded.

‘ Why didn't you clean up properly?’ That was the first question he asked turning around.

Ishaan was confused.

‘ What?’

‘ You were supposed to clean the sink properly after our whole pomegranate fiasco. But you didn't. Now there are ants everywhere. Look at it!’ Shubman said pointing at the sink.

There was a line of ants crawling out of the sink.

"Shubh, I swear I cleaned it properly’ Ishaan said, wide eyes as he watched the ants climb up the wall.

‘ There were pomegranate bits in the sink,’ Shubman said through gritted teeth.

‘ Babe, I will clean it again.’ Ishaan said quietly, hoping it would calm him down.

Shubman took a deep sigh, he was getting angrier by the minute.

‘ Don't you know how much I hate it when things are messy and dirty. You always say that you clean up after yourself, but you don't. If you are gonna live here the least you can do is keep the place how I want, but no, you can't even do that much’

Ishaan didn't say anything and let him go on.

‘ I told you so many times not to smoke in the house, but you do anyway. You think that I don't know? That you secretly smoke when I'm out or when I'm sleeping. If you were gonna do it secretly the least you could have done is get rid of the evidence. You leave them out on purpose don't you? So I would get pissed off,’ he continued.

‘ and this drinking habit of yours. I mean…even I drink. But not like you do. You drink bottles and stop only when you pass out, has it ever occured to you that being that drunk you might reveal something that you shouldn't? He screamed.

Ishaan didn't say anything.

Shubman stared at him, shocked, puzzled and mostly annoyed. How can he be so calm?

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