October 5

699 69 61

POV: Shubman Gill.

‘ Ibrahim, enough of this nonsense. From now on, you can do whatever the hell you want, but do not even think about involving my son in it..’

Shubman's father screamed at Ibrahim, who stood with his gaze lowered, arms behind his back.

Ever since Shubman saw the horrors in Mayank's house, he has not been able to sleep properly. He wakes up from nightmares where he's stuck in the Mayank's room, with the jinn still tormenting him. He keeps imaging the blood covered blades, which he was sure Mayank used to self harm. He kept seeing flies buzzing around the blood from which his name was written on each and every wall.

‘ Sir, there's still faint effects of the black magic on him, that's why the…’

‘ I don't care! I listened to you and where did it get me? Where did it get my son?! Look at this house Ibrahim! He's going around covering all the mirrors, all the windows. Did your cousin even help?’

Ibrahim thought of how Shubman had come running to him one night, screaming saying that the jinn never left. That it was still in the house, trapped in the mirrors. Since that night, he had stubbornly covered all reflective surfaces in the apartment. Ibrahim tried to explain to him that once a jinn is released from its bindings, it goes back to hell, and that Abrar had made sure that all mirrors were removed before he went through with the exorcism, but Shubman didn't listen. He still cried every night, and scratched opened the wound in his back.

‘ Whatever this is, I'm giving you one more week to solve it. If you can't solve it, then please leave my son alone!’ his father said, folding his hands in front of Ibrahim.

Ibrahim looked up shocked, unable to believe what he just heard.

‘ I'm taking Simran and Shubman back to Punjab, maybe if he's away from all this madness, surrounded by his family, he will recover. Arrange security for him…’

‘ Yes sir,’ Ibrahim said through gritted teeth.

‘ and….and I would rather you not be there..’ his father said in a quiet voice.

‘ What…sir, you cannot do that..he's my responsibility’ Ibrahim almost screamed in frustration.

‘ your responsibility was to protect him, and you couldn't do your job!’

Ibrahim licked his lips and clenched his jaws in anger.

‘ Sir…I did protect him to the best of my capabilities, and I am still trying to protect him. I ….I don't know what we are up against…I am trying my best’ Ibrahim tried to explain.

Shubman's father shook his head and looked away.

‘ No…I don't want you around him anymore, and more than that…i don't want you around Simran’

Ibrahim's eyes widened.

‘ What…you don't think I don't notice the way you look at her? Have some shame Ibrahim….she's a lot younger than you. You …you are a divorcee, and …and from another religion’

Ibrahim felt as though he was getting stabbed, each and every word out of his mouth felt like a punishment.

‘ what…what are you guys talking about?’ Simran's quivering voice broke the silence.

They turned around and saw both the siblings standing near the living room, with their mother.

‘ I'm taking you both to Punjab’

‘ What? No!’ Simran yelled.

‘ Yes, Shubman needs to be away from all this. It's not a discussion, you are going. That's all’

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