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I spent the entire weekend fixing up this rundown house. That entire time, dad was gone and mom was just sitting on the couch, staring out into space. It was hard woke fixing the place while also taking care of her.

What was the most hardest thing was fixing up the holes in the wall. I had no idea what I was doing even after watching a bunch of videos so I just decided to put some cardboard over it and tape it. If a raccoon manage to come it then oh well. I tried.

Oh, and that unpleasant smell like something died, yeah, there was a dead squirrel in one of the walls up stairs. That was fun to deal with.

What's worst, it turns out, the water heater in the basement is beyond repair and I'll have to get a new one if I want a hot shower. So, yay. Bye bye to warm showers for the rest of my days here.

But after a long weekend, here I am back in the hell hole of a school with the weirdo sitting right next to me, talking my ears off.

Despite the fact that I'm clearly ignoring him, he's still going at it. I have no idea what's his problem.

And the incident on Thursday's day night is still fresh on my mind. The fact that he found me so quickly and nearly snuck up on me, scares the god out of me. Luckily I install that lock to the window the second I was back home.

Better keep my guard up around him. I get a weird feeling about him.

Hearing the bell ring, I quickly got up from my seat and darted out of Glasses's class. For second period I have Art, then PE today. Art is my favorite thing, I'm good at drawing but I absolutely hate gym.

It's sucks, I get sweaty, the coaches are normally fat, douchebags that like to scream at you for getting tired after running four laps while they are just standing there, drinking some coffee. Honestly, they're so annoying.

Got suspended once after I got into a fight with one of my old gym teachers that looks like Mr. Marshmallow, the dude was screaming and me and an old friend for resting mid class. I won. Still got a beating from dad when he picked me up.

Putting my bag down and taking a seat at an empty table, I waited until class began. No one sat next to me, which I was happy about.

A woman with long fuzzy, red hair, headband, big glasses, and wore weird clothes walked in with a giant smile. She looks like Minerva McGonagall from Harry Potter.

"Hello class! It's lovely to see you all today." Very merry and cheerful, I like that. "Today we will be sketching your favorite thing." Don't like that.

She looked at us all, her smile still there. "Let's get started, my little doves." Short and simple, got it.

Taking out my sketchbook that was in my bag, I opened it up and thought for a moment. My favorite thing are wolves. I like how free they are and how they treat each other like family. Unlike me and my parents.

Searching my bag, I found no pencil. Are you kidding me? Don't tell me I forgot my pencil bag at home.

"It need of a pencil, little dove?" Flinching, I turned my head. Miss McGonagall was there with a big smile, pencil in hand. "Thank you."

Giving me a small nod as I took the pencil from her, Miss McGonagall strolled off, softly humming to herself. She seems like a nice lady. Guess she's alright.

Turning my attention back to my sketchbook, I began drawing two wolves nuzzling each other. Drawing is something I'm very good at as I mentioned so by the time class was finished, my sketch was finished.

 Drawing is something I'm very good at as I mentioned so by the time class was finished, my sketch was finished

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Looks good enough for a B+. Hope Miss McGonagall likes it because I'm not doing anything else.

Letting out a sigh, I gave Miss McGonagall her pencil back and headed to the gym. Can't wait to be all sweat and tired.


The Devil Spawns Feisty Mate Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora