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It was super dark when I got home. Unlocking the door, the second I stepped a foot inside, I was immediately greeted by yelling. "Where the hell were you!?"

The alcoholic stumbled up from the couch, nearly losing his balance and tripping over a beer can as he stormed over to me, getting all up in my face.

His drunken breath filled my nose which made me kind-of nauseous. I'm not a fan of alcohol. "School. It's Thursday."

Dad started at me a bit puzzled. Head tilted as he looked down at me slightly annoyed. "Are you sure?" Is he that fucking drunk?

I nodded my head, wanting nothing more but to take a shower and get rid of this icky feeling.

He stared at me for a moment, eyes lost before they were filled with anger. When I went to say something, I was bitched slapped which took me by surprise.

The slap knocked me down on the ground. A bad aching feeling came from both my cheek and tongue. Then the taste of something metallic filled my mouth.

Spitting it out, I saw blood. I think I bite my tongue. "You'll speak when spoken to, you little shit." I glared at him, holding myself back with clutched fists.

It took everything in me not to swing at the cunt standing over me. "Yes, sir." His stupid smug face is just itching to be punched. "Go to your room."

Watching as he walked away, I stood up. Whipping away the drips of blood coming from my nose and noticing that the cut on my lip opened. Fuck.

Feeling a small shiver, I remembered that I was still soaked from the rain. Should take my shower before I catch a cold.

Shaking my head, I headed over towards the stairs. Pausing after taking the first step. Turning my head, I saw mom sitting in the couch. She had a bad black eye and probably a few other marks that she hidden while I was out.

She seemed out of it but she glanced over at me, eyes empty and deprived of any sense of emotion. Staring at me for a moment, she looked away and grabbed a baggie that dad handed to her.

I memorize the smell by now. It was pot and mom took it without any hesitant.

Tears form in my eyes but I held them back despite the burning sensation. I looked away, ignoring the heavy weight feeling in my chest as I quickly went up the stairs. She's such an idiot.

Dropping my bag off in my room, I want to the bathroom and locked the door. Silently stripping off my soggy clothes that sticked to my skin and tossing them into the hamper.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. A giant red mark on my cheek, the cut on my lip open, and some tears that managed to escape running down my cheeks. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes.

Telling myself to stop being a baby and to grow up. When the heavy feeling in my chest was gone, I opened my eyes, seeing my face back to its unbothered express.

Turning away, I pulled back the curtain, and jumped in the shower, turning the water on it was freezing cold, more cold the than the weather outside.

I groaned, shivering like I was in Antarctica with nothing more but shorts and a tank top. What a pain. Checking the water heater is the first thing I'm doing tomorrow.

Ain't no way I'm gonna have another ice shower.

I need to hurry up. At this rate, I'm gonna catch a cold. Scrubbing my entire body and hair to get rid of any Mac and Cheese still there after that stupid food fight with such speed that it didn't take long for me to finished.

I should skip tomorrow. After the day I had today, I need some time away from that prison. And I really don't wanna see what's his face.

Dad would be most likely be gone in the morning, probably to find were he can find more drugs and were the booze store is. Should return his wallet before he leaves so he doesn't get in a pissy fit when he gets back.

Also need to clean this place up. I may be leaving in a few months but during that time, I don't wanna be constantly smelling something dead or stepping on something broken and getting hurt. That's the last thing I want.

Money should still be on dad's card. I'll take that out before giving the wallet back. He'll turn a blind eye since he's always "miss placing" it.

Finished with drying myself off, I sighed in relief. Glad the icky feeling from the food was gone. The next time I see what's his face, I swear I'm gonna strangle that bird brain. Better yet, I'll smack the back of his head with that big ass heavy history book that I forgot to return last year.

"You're a fucking whore!" What are they yelling about this time? It sounded fine just a minute ago. I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair in a messy bun as the argument grew.

"Oh be quiet you old hillbilly bastard. You fucked more woman that you can count so don't be calling me a whore for just sleeping with another man." I'm never getting into a relationship. Ever.

Wrapping the towel around me, I silently unlocked the bathroom door and snaked over into my room. "So you admit it?"

"Yeah and he was better than you in every possible way in bed. Much bigger then your one inch dick." I shiver in disgust, feeling grossed out. Why can't they argue about this when I'm not here?

Putting the towel on a hook, I put on the only  snug clothes I had left. Nearly all my other clothes were dirty. This town better have a laundromat or something. If they don't I'm going to lose my mind.

With the insults still going on, I flopped on my bed and took out my phone, shoving my earphones in. I put on my Bad Bitch playlist and turning the volume to the limit.

Bad Guy by Billie Ellish started blasting in my ears, muting out the outside world as I took out my crappy laptop.

I went online and began searching for a job. By the time I'm out of this shit hole, my pockets better be full.

But after looking for a couple hours, I came up with zilch. There's no jobs or even a side hustle to do here. I groan in annoyance. Shutting my laptop and putting it to the side before going on my phone.

I only have a few grand that I've saved over the years from past jobs. I did have a small set back when the alcoholic found where I stashed my cash and took all of it, the baster.

However that was when I was way younger and only had a couple hundred bucks. I was still pissed but I learned my lesson after that incident and hid my money in much better places now.

It was the first thing I did when getting here-"What the fuck!" Doing a double take, I ripped my earphones out and shot up off my bed. "How the hell did you know where I live?"

Tristen only smiled innocently, half of his drenched body already inside through my window. "I can't visit my friend?" I felt my blood start to boil. "You didn't answer the question, how the hell do you know where I live?"

I asked, a little more loudly this time, hoping that my parents don't hear me. His head tilted. "I didn't. I spent time entire day looking for you after detention which was rude of you to just up and leave me all alone. I'm a social butterfly that doesn't like being alone. Plus, I was worried about you." He eyed the bruises on my face.

I'm gonna kill him. He needs to mind his own business. "Get out." He pouted, for some reason. "Don't be like that, I just got here." Oh my god!

"And now you're leaving." Shoving him out, I slam the window shut and locked it. Watching as the weirdo grabbed hold of the tree that was next to the house, restoring his balance before looking back at me with a small frown. "Let me in, please. I promise to be good."

Giving him the stank eye, I closed the blinds and headed back to bed. Paying no attention towards his pleas. He definitely had a few loose screws.

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