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After the incident last night, I couldn't sleep. I was worried that the perv would try to sneak in again and probably do something.

I mean, who even breaks into a persons house after knowing them for half a day! That's not normal behavior.

That kid has some serious problems. Gonna buy a lock and install it to my window. Just to be safe in case he's a sociopath or something and wants to kill me.

Also gonna start carry my pocket knife close to be extra safe. A pen too for a back up if I lose the knife. Stab 'em in the eye, kick him where the sun don't shine, and book it.

Never did or took track, but an old friend once said that I could compete with Usain Bolt and have a slim chance on beating him. But, running isn't my forte.

Shutting my laptop and stetting it off to the side, I rubbed my tired eyes and sat up, lazily getting up from my bed. I didn't bother with changing so I just slipped on some slippers.

Downstairs, there was no sign of dad or his wallet that I snuck onto the table a few hours ago and mom was pasted out on the couch.

Smelling the reeking smell that lingered after last night event, I covered my nose and mouth, walking to the kitchen and opening the window in there. As well as lighting some candles that were in a cabinet. When I was done, the smell was somewhat gone.

Rubbing my hands together, I turned my attention to making breakfast. But the only thing in the fridge were a few slices of ham, some lettuce, half empty bottle of mayonnaise, six pack of beer, carton of eggs, couple water bottles, and bread.

I sighed. Am adding grocery shopping to the list of things I have to do today.

Running my fingers through my hair, I thought for a moment before grabbing the things to make a sandwich and grabbed some eggs to boil.

By the time the sandwich was done, the eggs were ready. They were peeled and placed in a plastic baggie which I stuffed into my pocket for later.

Picking up the plate with the sandwich and a bottle of water, I walked back into the living room and placed it on the coffee table.

I lightly shook mom and she woke up after a moment, groaning with her eyes fluttering open. Her eyes empty and dark.

She looked at me then closed her eyes. Laying there motionless for a while before I shook her again. She groaned and forced herself up.

Her messy hair was all over the place as she sat there, looking over at the sandwich and grabbed it. Taking small bites as she started at the ground. Ignoring my existence.

I said nothing, scratched my head and gave her one more glance before heading out. My hand was on the door knob before her scruffy voice made me pause. "My life would have been much more better if I wasn't force to have you."

My chest tightened up and a heavy, numbing feeling began to weigh me down. My hand on the door knob trembled slightly and I didn't dare look back at her.

Clearing my jaw, I pushed my feelings aside. I opened my mouth, wanting to say something back but the words couldn't come out. Frowning in frustration, I opened the door and left. Mom not saying anything else as I did so.

Walking down the porch steps, I wiped my tears away and took out my phone. The map was all wanky for some reason but I make out that the store wasn't that far away.

After doing some research, there was a laundromat in town, thank god, but it was slightly further away. Like at the other side of town and was a block away from the store.

Since I already left, I can do the shopping first, drop it off and pick up my clothes, wash them at the laundromat whilst I return home to clean up the place before going back to put them in dryer then returning home before finally getting them. I also need to check what's wrong with the water heater.

It's going to be a long day.

Fuck. I don't think I made a shopping list. Oh, well. I'll just grab whatever and hope I don't forget anything.

Another then dad, I wonder how long it'll take dad to come back home this time from a drug run. Last time it took a whole week.

Stepping into the store, I put my phone away and grabbed a cart. Don't know because it was still morning but the place was kind of empty, not that it bothered me. The less people, the better.

Putting my arms on top the shopping cart, I took out the baggie and slowly ate my now cold eggs as I looked around getting cleaning supplies, some tools, food/drinks, snacks, and other essentials.

By the time I was done, I was already dreading the rest of the day with how my feet were aching. Going to the checkout, a woman began scanned everything. "Hello, did you find everything today?" Oh god. "Yes." She nodded her head. "That's good."

"How's your morning going?" Better if you stop talking to me. "Good, yours?" I saw her eye my face, clearly not buying my lie. "Terrific." This is so awkward.

Rubbing the back of my neck, I sighed, beginning to put the bags into the cart. "Why aren't you at school?" Why do you care? "Had things to do today." Or are you blind?

She nodded her head again, scanning the last idem and turning to the screen and tapping something. "That'll be $153.76" Taking out Dad's card, I put it into the machine and put in the pin. He's gonna kill me when he gets back.

It took a moment for a payment to go through. "Have a good day." I gave a small nod, strolling out of there.

Outside, I realized something. "How the hell am I gonna carry all this home?"


The bell rang as I entered the laundromat, my tired arms carrying the basket of my dirty laundry. Without wasting time, I went to an empty washing machine and dumped my clothes in. Panting, I set the basket down and poured some detergent.

After the walk to the store, getting everything needed, going back home with the help of the shopping cart to put the groceries away, I got my clothes, went back to the store to return the cart before going to the laundromat. Man am I exhausted.

Taking out a five dollar bill, I went over the quarter machine only to see that it was out of order. "You got to be kidding me." This day keeps on getting worst and worst.

"Need quarters, my dear?" Turning my head, I saw an old lady rocking back in forth in a rocker. A big bag was sitting at her feet. "Yes ma'am."

She motioned me to come over and I did as told. Handing her the money, she reached down and opened the bag, counted the quarters one by one before getting the amount of five bucks and handed me them. "Thank you." She kind of reminds me of someone but I don't wanna be right.

Cause if I'm right, I'm literally gonna fling myself off a cliff.

Going back to the machine, I closed the lid and put the quarters in then pressed start. Hearing the washer begin to do its job, I shoved the coins in my pocket and grabbed my basket.

Now to go back to that broken, hunk of junk.

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