18 / Fourth of july

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<Make sure yall checking the last chapter
I been updating like crazy 😭make sure yall don't miss a thing !!

July 4th 2024

You made me happy
This you can bet
You stood right beside me, yeah
And I won't forget
... And I really love you
You should know
I wanna make sure I'm right, girl
Before I let go

"Pops why you always have to be so top secret and extra ."Irina asked her father as they walked across the huge yard , They drove like two hours to this park nobody even knew probably existed .

It was in the middle of nowhere . Huge yard that had all sorts of moon bounces set up , grills , cotton candy machines , snow ball machines , popcorn stands , Land slides , games set up , The whole nine was set up in the yard . As the dj played a mix of new and old school music .

Currently before I let go by maze was playing .

Kids ran all around the yard . Jumped in the bounce house . Adults sat drinking , talking , playing card games and whatever else their heart desired to entertain .

"For our safety ." Deondre replied to Irina . They greeted folks here and there ,before they finally  reached the huge building across the field .

They walked into the well decorated hall set up for a dinner.

You always had folks who liked to be inside and some that liked to be outside at a cookout and the Lawsons knew how to get down . They was very versatile when it came to events .

This was an annual 4th of July big cookout / event they had every year .

Usually it's held at one of their estates , but Deondre had invited a little extra people this year .It was friends and family including friends of friends and family .

This year Deondre demanded that they have it elsewhere ,because he didn't want a lot of random folks near his properties . Where his family so ever often accompanied those spaces .

Lamira was bringing her boyfriend this year as well that she's been dating for about a year now . Deondre and Meeka had met him twice over brunch . It was now time to meet the entire family . Plus family and friends .

"So who you bringing ? ."  Lamira asked irina seeing she was in her phone the whole ride texting and smiling .

"Nobody ." She said quickly

"That's cause we know him ." Deirdre said being shady ,but whispering the last part.

"Excuse me ." Deondre said hoping she wasn't saying any of the men who worked for him .

"Nothing daddy Deirdre just being extra ." She said smiling "right sister ." She asked pinching Deirdre elbow .

Deirdre just flashed a fake smile . Meeka took note to discuss that later between her daughters .

"Hi Nana ." The girls greeted walking towards Deondre grandmother . They all took turns giving her a hug .

Deondre grandmother always took care of him since his mother was on drugs badly still to this day . His grandmother never had much , but granny always made a way . Now she was straight forever .

Deirdre spotted Mrs.novak over at the bar and made her way towards her .
"Mrs.Beautiful."Deirdre smiled wrapping her arms around  Mrs.novak

"Hey my baby ,how are you ." She asked turning around in the stool to hug Deirdre back .

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