17/Just Like Old times

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Oh ok !! I'm not coming to play !!!😂🙌🏾rolling these chapters out baby!!!!

Oh ok !! I'm not coming to play !!!😂🙌🏾rolling these chapters out baby!!!!

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Four months later

July 1st 2024
Los Angelos 6am

Mitch laid back on his bed the sun hadn't even came up entirely yet .He just was starring out of space .

Thinking about the pass few months . Things been going pretty good . Besides Tito dropping small hints and having some of them detailed a few times he knew to expect something soon . Although he was the least of Mitch worries . Mitch was focused on how well their numbers was with selling santonio product .

Mitch even broke it down and shared some with Jody and Kareem . So from L.A to Baltimore to Atlanta . East to west coast . They had the streets talking . Nobody hadn't witnessed any good product like this since the 80s or once here and there . To have it consistently selling to the streets . Business was buzzing . It was in full effect in L.A ,but the rest had it as an option due to them having their own supply .

Things was going well with he and Danika business.Shipping product and storing it between the food franchise was running smoothly . Packaging drugs inside of barrels with food and things was smart as hell .

Mitch loved it here .He missed home ,but honestly he was not ready to go . He knew Kareem was trying to get back home so he respected it . They could all change spots and go back to their normal life . Mitch was thinking about staying on this side of town ,but things was going well he could still catch the jet at any given moment . To get away which he planned to do .

He wasn't in no rush to get back home knowing he and Missy had broken up . He was tired of only speaking to his daughter on FaceTime he wanted to see his baby girl .

Streets was talking and Missy was actually handling shit the right way . She hadn't stepped on anyone toes so they let her be .

"Earth to mitch ." The voice said knocking him out of his deep thoughts

"My bad , I was zoned out ." He said lifting up on the head board as he starred at the chocolate chip cookie colored beauty in front of him .

Her curly 26inch Indian loose wave bundles came down past her mid arm . She sported a big white crop t shirt that stopped above her belly ring along with some yellow boy shorts on . He licked his lips seeing her pussy print poking .

He lifted his self off the bed sitting on the edge . He pulled her between his legs . Biting , nibbling & sucking on her neck .

"Mitch not again ." She moaned

He didn't listen sliding her shorts down as he hiked her legs up and sat her down on his face . His tongue licked around her entire bottom half as her juices soaked his beard all up . He slurped and sucked until she cried out cumming .

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