Ch 20: The Heart of Magic

Start from the beginning

Elowen sighed. "How would the empress undo spells?"

"The empress was more powerful than her chosen daughters," Trix said. "I was never entirely sure how it happened, but we swore ourselves to her for our powers. I'd made oaths to Rillian over his mother, which is why I think I survived. The empress herself was an embodiment of magic. You could just feel it wherever she went. She could manipulate the world around her, unlike any other fairy."

"Then how do we kill Mona?" Fletcher asked. "Since that seems to be the only way to undo all of her carnage."

"We're mortals," Trix said. "Only the empress herself didn't age. You could kill her in any traditional way, prince. The only issue is getting close enough, and Mona doesn't take kindly to threats."

Fletcher shuttered. She knew he was reliving his brother attacking the fairy and getting thrown back by her magic. Nathaniel had almost died, and in the end, he hadn't been able to protect Estefania.

"We cannot let her hurt my family anymore," Fletcher said. "Or anyone else. There must be some way to stop her, or some ancient fairy law Elowen can exploit to gain an edge."

"You're quite noble, Fletcher," Trix said. "But unless Mona makes a mistake, there isn't much we can do."

"We will win," Elowen said. "I promise I will get that book from the countess. We'll release Wryn and Bastien, and our kingdoms will earn peace."

Footsteps at the door caused Elowen to pivot slightly. Her cheeks burned as she saw Brennon and her father walking into the room. The earl, carrying a box and a large garment bag, bowed as he approached the prince.

"Father," Elowen fell into a curtsy.

"Oh, my daughter," her father sounded weary. "Brennon explained what happened today. You must think me mighty foolish."

She knew her father had an affinity for fairies. She had wondered if he'd known that the countess was a fairy, but she hadn't had time to dwell on the idea. After all, the past couldn't help her beat her stepmother now.

"He didn't know that Monique was the one who cursed everything," Brennon said. "Father simply thought she was a former fairy distancing herself from the fallen order."

"Your mother was the same," her father said. "And I deeply loved her, Elowen. She wanted you to have something which might aid you in your battle. I never entirely understood what the slippers did, but Lyressa claimed they made her magic stronger. A parting gift from the fairy empress when your mother left the order."

He offered her the box. She took it without opening the gift. It was strange to see more of her mother's magic beyond the dresses. She'd never known her mother as magic, and imagining her as a fairy only made it more tragic she wasn't by Elowen's side now.

"We should get some rest," Brennon said. "We've acquired new lodgings in the city to avoid the countess."

Fletcher frowned. "Elowen's not leaving my side tonight. She's safer here."

"You are going to protect my sister then?" Brennon scoffed. "The countess has gotten into your castle twice, prince."

"Brennon," her father said. "Enough, son. If the prince desires your sister to stay, she has the choice. Elowen, this is your decision."

She took a deep breath. "It'll be easier to remain, Brennon. If you're so worried for my safety, I'm sure Fletcher can find the pair of you additional rooms."

The prince nodded. "Done."

Brennon and the earl begrudgingly accepted Fletcher's invitation. Fletcher gave the staff directions, and they herded the guests to the doors. Her brother threw one more look over his shoulder at Elowen as a servant escorted him to his new room. She knew he was just worried about her safety, so she gave him a confident smile.

When they were gone, Fletcher turned back to her. His cane shifted in his hand, and Elowen could see a little fear in his blue eyes. She didn't know if it was for his kingdom or something else.

He didn't speak. Instead, he gestured for him to follow her. They wound through corridors and up a flight of stairs. Then he opened a door and led her into what looked like his private rooms.

"The bed is yours," he said. "Get some rest, Elowen."

"I can't take your bed," she clutched her father's box. "And aren't there like a hundred beds in this castle?"

"I told you, Elowen, I'm not letting you leave again," he said. "If I do, you'll probably charge the countess head-on."

"At least I found Rillian," she said. "And I learned who cursed you."

"I don't want to see you in danger, Elowen," his body shook as he leaned on his cane. "I just want to see the people I care about safe and happy."

She helped him over to a chair. He looked like he wanted to protest, but his body sagged, and he accepted the seat. She set his cane against the wall and leaned in to brush a strand of his long hair behind his ear.

"You don't have to stay," he said. "But please don't take on your stepmother alone."

She knelt beside him. "I want to be here, Fletcher."

He looked at the box in her hands. "What did your father give you?"

She opened up the box and her breath caught. A pair of slippers sat in velvet made of silver and sapphire. They shone in the light and she could feel the power within them.

"Magic," the word she spoke was like honey between them.

"You know I've spent my whole life hating magic," he said. "Wishing that it wasn't real because it only ever caused me pain, but with you, it's beautiful."

"Thank you," she said, "for trying to keep me safe. I'll carry that with me when I face the countess tomorrow."

"Take this too," he reached for his cane and twisted the gem from the top. "It was fairy blessed and its got a history of bringing luck."

She slipped the opal in her pocket. It felt warm against her skin as he leaned forward and brushed up her bangs to kiss her brow right on top of her birthmark. His lips sent a cool shiver through her body, and her lips curved up.

"What about Estefania?" She asked.

He laughed softly. "Nothing matters except you, Elowen, sweetheart."

For the first time she allowed herself to hope. Her intuition was more than just a sense that Fletcher was with the wrong woman. It was magic guiding her here to this moment. To this man right here.

Even if this was the only chance she got this was worth it. She held him close and in the morning when she woke in his arms, Elowen knew that she would do whatever it took to save Fletcher for another moment like this.  

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