Ch 3: The Rangers of Cyra

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Estefania had decided that the Marquis de Ryne and his rangers were insane. They rode like demons and seemed to run off endless energy. She didn't know how they could keep moving so quickly and still be in such jovial spirits.

Estefania had always been told it was a ten-day trek through the desert from the monastery to reach civilization. The rangers said they'd traveled the desert in six and claimed they could break their record, even with two additional passengers.

They only broke for camp when it became almost too dark to see. The princess had sand all through her hair and crusted to every inch of her body. When she'd asked to wash, Nathaniel had laughed at her.

Sure, she'd lived in the desert as long as she could remember, but she always stayed clean. The marquis seemed to delight in watching her struggle. She was ready to wipe that smirk off his face.

Solomon wanted her to focus on her betrothal. Neither of them could believe that Estefania was betrothed to Crown Prince Fletcher de Cyra. She wanted to see her grandmother's letter, but Solomon insisted it was private.

Instead, she had to settle for the second letter, which the marquis had bequeathed to her once they'd been traveling for three days. This one was from her father. She'd already read it so many times that it was burned into her memory.

He claimed that her grandmother was quite ill and had arranged this marriage to strengthen the kingdoms in the absence of the fairies. Her father wanted her to know that while he wasn't sure this was the best course of action, it was a gamble that they needed to take.

Sahar itself was in decline. The people couldn't grow enough food, and if she married Fletcher, she could at least ensure the lush crops of Cyra could feed her people. In addition, her father wanted her to know that he trusted Fletcher to take good care of his daughter.

The most interesting part of the letter, though, talked about Nathaniel. Her father said that the Marquis de Ryne was one of the best trackers and hunters in the land. His rangers were considered one of the greatest forces of soldiers.

Nathaniel had organized the men as companions to track down the fairy whose wish destroyed all her people. The fairy had also stolen his baby sister Caitryn. He believed that that fairy still had her in his grasp.

Estefania could admire Nathaniel's drive. He had a purpose in his life to track down the cruel fairy that wished for the end of her kind. If he succeeded, it was a step towards restoring the magic in all the lands.

He sat high on his saddle and treated his camel with respect. She had to wonder if he really was a bastard son of the king of Cyra. If the rumors were true, then Nathaniel was the half-brother of her betrothed.

Nathaniel looked back at her, smirking as he caught her staring. He hopped down from his camel and urged the animal to keep walking in the line. Then he backtracked and stood beside her camel.

"You all right up there, princess?" He asked.

She stiffened. "Of course, your grace. Why ever would I not be?"

Nathaniel gave her a funny look. "You know we're not at court. You don't have to treat me like I'm some stuffy noble. Save that for Fletcher."

"How well do you know Fletcher?" Estefania asked.

"He's my brother," Nathaniel said. "Fletch is loyal and honest. You won't find a man who cares more about his people. He's never treated me as less than family, but he's a politician, not a rough rider. You won't catch him hunting with my rangers, but even he's spent as much time as I have searching for our sister."

Estefania could see the pain in his eyes. "How long have you been looking for Caitryn?"

"She was three years old when the fairy burst into court and plucked her from my mother's arms," Nathaniel said. "It was the day after the rest of the fairy kingdom had evaporated. I still remember her words. 'We don't deserve wishes anymore. Especially because Cyra was an ungrateful and cruel land.' She said the royal families of Cyra and Sahar would only reap curses now, and then she left."

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