14. Magnetic Pull

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The Kim family was engulfed in a somber atmosphere after Namjoon's revelation that he was in love with someone else and couldn't marry Taehyung. Unknown to them, Namjoon had concealed Taehyung and Jungkook's relationship by fabricating a lie. 
Assuring Taehyung of his secrecy, Namjoon departed with his family, leaving behind a cloud of sadness.
As Namjoon made his way out of the mansion, he caught sight of Jungkook. He approached him and said, "I don't know why you're keeping your relationship under wraps." He began, his tone gentle yet assured. "But rest assured, I am going to keep this secret of yours safe." With a warm smile, he added, "I can see in your eyes, the depth of love and concern you hold for Taehyung. Keep making him happy." 
Jungkook felt confused by what Namjoon said about love. He couldn't help but question himself. Sure, I care about Taehyung's happiness, like I do for any friend, but there's no romantic feelings involved. He's just a friend to me, nothing more. Namjoon must have been reading into things too much, imagining emotions that simply aren't there.
He genuinely said,"I hope you'll also soon find real love" 
With a smile, Namjoon bid farewell before making his way towards his car. As he approached, he noticed a ginger cat perched on the bonnet. The cat darted away as he started the engine.
In an attempt to uplift everyone's spirits, Jimin devised a plan for a movie night with the entire family.
As the others went to change into their pajamas, Taehyung and Jungkook busied themselves in the kitchen, arranging snacks for the movie, as they had already changed into comfortable outfits.
Taehyung stood at the kitchen counter, alternating between making popcorn and munching on some himself. He glanced over at Jungkook beside him and offered him a handful of popcorn. 
"Have some," he insisted.
Jungkook hesitated, shaking his head. "No, I can't."
"Why not? It's delicious," Taehyung encouraged, gesturing towards the bowl of popcorn.
"Ever since I stepped into your house, your family has been constantly offering me food. Your mom and aunts, especially, their culinary skills are beyond amazing that I find it hard to resist whenever they offer me something. I've definitely gained a few pounds, but honestly, it's totally worth it." 
Said Jungkook with a soft smile.

"That's why I'm suggesting you marry Jimin, so you can enjoy delicious meals all the time," Taehyung urged, hoping to persuade Jungkook.
"Please, Taehyung, not this again. I have no interest in Jimin. He's not my type at all. Besides, he always glares at me as if I've taken his favorite toy. What's his deal?" Jungkook remarked, recalling the glares he had received from Jimin earlier that day.
Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by Jimin himself, who had entered the kitchen unaware of what had been said.
"Taehyung, I want to talk to you"said Jimin with a serious tone.
"Alone," he added while eyeing Jungkook with a glare. He wanted to talk to Tae in private.
Taehyung held Jimin's hand and led him towards the lobby, where the kitchen window was. Jungkook came and stood near the window to hear their conversation.
"Tae, your virgin as* needs to get laid. Your untouched nature is practically begging for some excitement." Jimin said it with a playful tone. 
"I noticed today how you were practically glued to Jungkook. Are you two dating? I'll be honest, I'm not fond of Jungkook, but if you love him, I'll support you, Tae." said Jimin emotionally.
 Taehyung and Jimin had a connection like soulmates. They always understood and trusted each other deeply. However, Taehyung chose not to tell Jimin about Yoongi, fearing that involving him would only drag him into his own troubles. He knew that if he ever ran away, the family would question Jimin first, given their close friendship. Though he felt uneasy about keeping secrets from his soulmate, he believed it was necessary.
"He is just a friend, okay? Trust me. There is nothing more than friendship between us" Taehyung reassured him. 
"I still have doubts, but if you're saying that there is nothing between you two, then I'll trust you. I believe you, Tae. Always remember that I'll be by your side"said Jiimin. He didn't want to believe it, but if Taehyung himself was saying that, he could trust him.
"Thank you, Jimin. I love you," said Taehyung, feeling relieved as his worries dissipated. He embraced Jimin affectionately, his heart heavy with guilt for keeping the truth hidden from his soulmate.
Taehyung broke the hug and then smacked Jimin on his butt with a laugh, saying, "I missed your jibooty," before running away, with Jimin chasing after him to smack Taehyung's head. Both of them were running in the living room with echoes of laughter.
Meanwhile, Jungkook was glancing at them with a smile. He grabbed snacks and headed towards the living room.
As Jungkook overheard their conversation, an unexpected sense of relief washed over him. He couldn't quite pinpoint the reason, but knowing that Taehyung was a virgin somehow eased his mind. The idea that nobody had shared such an intimate connection with Taehyung brought him a sense of comfort. His body looks so soft and delicate. His waist is just the right size. Stop Jungkook!! control. I need to stop these thoughts; I shouldn't be thinking like this. Taehyung is a friend, someone I care about. I need to control myself, and not let my mind wander into inappropriate territory.

The Kim family, including Jungkook, were gathered in the living room, lounging on multiple sofas as they watched Avatar. Taehyung sat beside Jimin and his younger cousins. Despite his desire to sit with Taehyung, Jungkook found himself seated with Heejae and Taehyung's uncles, leaving Jungkook to pout in disappointment. From his seat, Jungkook stole glances at Taehyung, admiring his presence unnoticed by the others. He couldn't help but think Taehyung looks so cute!!! His heart was melting at how Taehyung looked in his outfit.


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(Imagine him with blonde hair)
Despite the uncertainty shrouding his feelings, Jungkook couldn't deny the magnetic pull drawing him closer to Taehyung, a force he couldn't resist but couldn't quite define.

What do you think about Taehyung's decision to keep Yoongi's involvement a secret from Jimin?

Is Jungkook falling in love?

But Taehyung is already in a relationship with Yoongi.

Hey lovelies,
Stay tuned for the thrilling twists and turns. It's about to get spicy!

Thanks for your love and support. Love you guys💜✨💎


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