Chapter one | Beginning of the end

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"When it seemed like the end of the world had come, humans realized that they themselves were the ones to be pitied, rather than the people of the future."

A meeting was being held in a conference room in Japan, attended by government officials and leaders of the Japanese government. The meeting was focused on the situation related to titans, and two organizations responsible for managing such situations were present. "so what's our plan of action?" The prime minister asked.

"I'll tell you what. we get our weapons and kill it!" a tall brown-haired woman gave her answer. The woman was Gyozen, the commander of the GDF military and Anti Kaiju Defense Corporation of the United Kingdom. She is the general with a strong hatred towards the titans especially the queen of monsters, Godzilla, who she wanted to do nothing more than to kill. Of course, however, some were against her ideals.

"We can't do that. We can't be for sure that this titan is a threat or not." A man with glasses protested. He was Ishiro Serizawa, Director of Monarch who serves to protect and study the Titans, unlike the GDF. "We will drive it away."

Hearing that Gyozen grew irritated with Ishiro, every time they had a discussion related to the Titans he would always intervene with what she found to be the most logical thing to do: kill the Titans. She hated both him and monarch blaming them and their ideals for the reason why humanity was in its current state.

A few years ago, the world was thrown into chaos by a catastrophic event caused by an Eco-terrorist. The terrorist's actions resulted in the release of a ferocious creature known as Monster Zero from her icy prison. This unleashed a chain reaction that saw every titan, which had been in hibernation, to awaken and start rampaging across the world. The organization, Monarch, was partly responsible for the disaster. They had kept the secret of these sleeping titans and failed to take action to prevent such a catastrophe. Instead, they allowed the Titans to exist, and as a result, Monster Zero was able to use them to attack human cities across the globe.

Now, not only did humans have to deal with the Titans that awakened on Earth, but they also had to be on constant alert for space Titans. Fast forward to today, and yet another Titan crisis is unfolding. A Titan is swimming its way toward Japan, and its location was tracked from Oda Island.

"Serizawa, you--" Gyozen was about to argue but was stopped mid-sentence. "General, please calm down. You don't want--" Azusa Gojo, the head and leader of the Titan Research Biological Research Group of Monarch, much like Ishiro, dedicated herself to studying the Titans and finding a way towards coexistence. She tried to ease the general's temper but to no avail. "Can it, Gojo! I don't want to hear anything from the likes of you!" Gyozen spat out angrily. "There's a kaiju heading here and you fuckers don't want me to do my job!"

"Gyozen, you act very violently against Titans. For instance, you have made numerous attempts at killing Godzilla and even attacked Titans that were not provoking you," Ishiro's companions argued. Everyone agreed that Gyozen could be extremely aggressive, causing more damage than the Titans themselves. "I do what I do for the benefit of humanity, damn it! My actions are justified!"Gyozen replied.

" You don't make it seem that way," murmured Mark Russell, a Monarch scientist and an expert in multiple disciplines, including animal behavior, zoo musicology, biocommunication, and apex predation. However, Gyozen noticed this and glared at him. "Do you have something to say, husband of the traitor?"

Mark was the husband of Emma Russell, who was involved in the creation of the Orca, a device that could use titan frequencies. The events that transpired in 2019, which led to the awakening of Monster Zero, were caused by Emma's actions. As a result, Gyozen saw both Emma and Mark as traitors. After Emma's death, Gyozen directed all her hatred towards Mark, considering him equally responsible for the creation of the Orca and all the deaths behind it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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