Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 : Pain of remembering (2)

Just why, why are you like this? Who do you think you are? After all those years you made me suffer, all those empty hopes that went into countless sleepless nights, after all this pain and emotional damage, you, you dare to come up to me? And what? Hug me? Say that you were worried? You? What gives you the right to do so? What made you think you are allowed to lay your fingerprints on me and what, touch me? Do you even know what I had to go through? Just because you created me, doesn't give you the right to call yourself a father, certainly not my father. Not you, not ever.

I stayed quiet. The emotions in me fighting, struggling, expressing themselves. How could he even do this, what does he even expect to gain? Attention? Pity from others? Or that I would hug him back and smile at him like a naive fool he thought I was? Even if this was to be my reality now, not just some delusion made by my dying brain, which I believe would be better, I would never, never, not even if you point dragger right up to my throat, forgive him. Not now, not ever.

" Teo, tell me, tell Papa, are you okay?" Duke asked as he slightly moved back so he could see my face. His dark blue eyes that he laid on me carried worries and care. But all I could see when our eyes met was only a reflection of myself, of my naivety and my poorly chosen decisions.

I silently stared at him. At his deep black hair that shined like stars when being shown to the sun, on the hair he had always styled and pushed back because he was afraid he wouldn't look appropriate for his status of a war hero to public society. At those eyebrows that were always furrowed. At that nose and cheeks that never had any colour.

I averted my head away from him, not bothering to answer him. I then took his hands away from my shoulders with my small hands, which was unsurprisingly easy to do. Everyone in the room could feel the tension but no one commented on it. How could they? They would never dare risking their head. I let my body lay on the pillows behind me. Resting my tired-out spine.

"Teo...?" The tone of voice that came from Duke's mouth came out confused, almost flustered. It was a low, desperate whisper.

What? Why are you surprised? Aren't you the one who always proceeds to ignore me? Well, I'm not playing a puppet in your games anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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