Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 : The warmth of the summer

As I was still in his arms I didn't really mind the warmth that his body radiated, it felt like some kind of heating pillow that was perfect for a nap.

But I held myself back from actually falling asleep, now wasn't the right time for that.

The older male had firm grasp around me, but it wasn't rough, it felt like he was trying to be as gentle as possible. It was strangely comforting embrace, if we overlook the awkwardness, of course.

"My apologies." He said as he slowly put me back on the soft mattress. Making sure I wouldn't fall down. In this short moment, he treated me better, than I had been treated my entire life.

I only nodded my head and rested back on the pillows, they weren't as warm as his warmth but it was okay.

There was a knock on the door. Calm, steady and slow knock. The door opened, revealing a woman who could be in her mid 20ties. She was wearing some vintage cosplay of a maid outfit. Classical black and white, her expression dull.

She bowed before she spoke.
"Duke Trumane had arrived."

She said as she kept her head down, I felt my body shudder the moment I heard the name. My face probably mimicked how uncomfortable I felt but people were paying more attention to her words.

I knew it wasn't her fault but her words made my mood drop to the very pit of a bottom.

Some servants gasped and were startled as they heard her words. Well it's not like the maid, who announced the news, looked happy either.

Her brunette.. no.. more like ginger red hair slightly falling onto her tanned skin. Making her breathtaking.

As she was granted to raise her head, it revealed her sparkling freckles and emotionless yet bright honey eyes. Her jaw was extremely sharp and she looked to be in best shape possible.

But her charm wouldn't change the fact that the Duke had arrived.

[Should I count remaining seconds until my downfall?]
I asked myself, pretty pathetically since there was nowhere deeper to fall from my position. I guess I was just being sympathetic with myself.

Before I could think of more ways to comfort myself there were footsteps approaching, long and clear footsteps. He is coming.

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