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Intro : The Beginning

Once upon a time, there was a great Empire named Sianaire. The head of the empire was strong and on the head was a rather kind Emperor who already had a successors waiting in line, his firstborn son the Crown prince, and the second-born son. He loved both equally, not more than his wife the Empresses, who was famous and loved even in neighbouring empires due to her doll-like beauty and heart made of gold. In this empire, there are in total of four empires and two kingdoms which are just outside of the empire.

The biggest and strongest one would be considered the South, the Liapia Empire, the coldest, the North, the Ldora Empire, the West Sianaire Empire, and the East, the Nather Empire.

It is said that in the North, in the Ldora Empire, any kind of magical beast and even biblical monsters could be found. They are considered very dangerous creatures, at least five times the strength of the average human being. Many lives had been lost at war with them.

As for the kingdoms, the one near the North border is Andslo, rumors say that it's a barbarian place, with no respect whatsoever, no knowledge of laws, just a mess. The perfect place, a blooming garden for the centre of illegal business.
The second, Pastra kingdom, is the total opposite of the Andslo. A place of the holy land, where all the knights come from, worshipping the God, our almighty creator. There where discrimination is not known, everyone is equal, commoner or noble, dark or light hair colour, smart or poorly educated, it's still a human being with a soul, bones and meat. 


At the Sianaire empire, there lived Duke whom everyone knew of, the well-known war hero, whose legends say, that he fought the monsters with just his bare hands and managed to survive with minor damage, what's more, he even won the war and saved the west from the North's monsters, at least that is, what is spread all around the continent.

He has a firstborn son who was nothing less than the term 'perfect' itself. Be it looks, wealth, knowledge, strength, you name it, he had it all He lacked nothing. The son was a pride and joy of the Duke since he took after his father, with  short pure black hair that looked like the shining night sky and the Duke's clear blue eyes, it looked like he just come out from a piece of well-done artwork.

Then there was the duke's secondborn. A daughter. Her mother died at childbirth and the Duke, well, everyone, blamed the poor child for the incident. The duke's wife was a gentle person, she would see good in the ones, who had already lost their hope and who were of no hope themselves, she was a truly wonderful and talented person with a big and warm heart. The poor child took after her sunshine blond hair and duke's clear blue eyes with a spark of pink that was rarely noticed.

As time passed and the Duke's daughter was growing up, she understood that she was not loved. But the naive young child hasn't given up her hope for family affection. She was determined to do anything to gain at least a small piece of their attention. That would be enough for her.

"If I try hard enough, they will love me."
The motto that kept her going.

At just age 3 she started to study hard. Be it history, politics, mathematics, languages, dance, etiquette, everything. At the age where she was able to hold a sword, she started her swordsmanship lessons. It felt like hell, all the punishments for mistakes by her teachers The pain, suffering, all-nighters followed by constant nosebleeds due to overworking that she went through. All the skipped meals that followed by severe dehydration and underweight. But fortunately for her, she was a fast learner, which saved her life.

As she mastered all her classes she went to her father's office, all happy and cheerful that finally, now, he will show her father's love that she was so starved for. 

She even took her favourite lucky dress today, so today surely, it will work!! Her small, fragile hand softly knocked at the rough big office door, nervously waiting until a cold "Come in." could be heard. The well-built knight opened the door looking with pity at the young child. The child looked at the knight in confusion with a silly and nervous smile, then walked in, bowing perfectly, mastering her etiquette. 

"Good day, Father."
She politely smiled but her hands were trembling. She was scared. Her heart was ready to run away. Duke, who was buried in documents, only deeply sighed after recognizing the voice. The little heart the child had sunk deeply into her stomach, feeling her smile stiffing. 

The coldness of his gaze would freeze one to the spot. But the Duke's daughter didn't give up and with her trembling, small hands pushed her grade paper at the desk, right next to the Duke. He didn't even bother to look at it.

the girl was patiently waiting with her silly smile on, waiting, waiting for him to look at the paper, one single paper she gave blood, tears and sweat for, just so he could recognize her hard worked effort, waiting for her father's affection patiently.

"Knights, take her out."
The one simple sentence came out of the duke's mouth. His emotionless gaze hasn't yet left the documents.

The girl's polite smile was slowly dropping, her heart shattering. She felt betrayed by her own effort. Was it not enough? 

She was pushed into her room, the door locked by the knights as they left her alone in the cold and dark room that felt so empty and lonely. 

"Right! It wasn't enough! Father has an extraordinary talent, so of course the basic I showed wasn't enough!"
The little girl slumped on the floor with tears rolling down her cheeks one after another.

"I just have to try harder! Then my father will love me! For sure!"

She said while she was wiping her flowing tears into the sleeve of her beautiful pink dress that had a very lovable strawberry pattern. Then she walked to her bed where all types of books lay. She just snuggled into the thick history book that had a hard cover. 

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