New Opportunity

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"Table 13 needs their food," the café manager, Lionel, complained while looking down his nose at me. 

How he does that when he's a few inches shorter is a mystery I may never solve.

I nodded and finished dusting cocoa on a slice of tiramisu then grabbed a tray full of pastries so I could make my way through the dining room.

Elite Espresso was located on Townsend Boulevard and knowns as one of the fanciest spots in town.  We serve the crème de la crème with $10 cups of coffee and hand made French croissants.  Being a baker has been a dream since I was a kid but for the time being I have to make ends meet any way I can.

I've been saving for years so I could go to culinary school and hoped to start in the Spring, but I will need to have enough set aside to cover all my expenses just in case. It's only October so there was time to make sure my savings was set before stepping away from this job.

The dining room was moderately busy with couples and business meetings taking place. We had white cloth napkins as well as dishes including cream and sugar holders.  I appreciated how aesthetically pleasing the warm colors of dark oak and jewel toned curtains were against crisp white mugs, especially on a breezy Fall day when the leaves are turning.

Once I finished delivering food to tables I noticed an older gentleman seated by a bank of windows.  I approached with a bright smile, recognizing him as someone that had been here a few times lately.

"Good morning, Sir.  My name is Elliot.  What can I get for you?"

He studied me closely, green eyes focused in a way that was critical but not unkind.  "Hello, Elliot.  Actually, I will just take a caramel latte but would you be available to speak with me? I promise it's nothing bad."

I tilted my head with curiosity as he continued, "Go ahead and get yourself whatever you want on my bill, as well. I have a matter I wanted to discuss with you so I am glad you happened to wait on my table today."

"I'm sorry, Sir, but I don't understand..." I started as Lionel approached with wide eyes.

"Mr. Townsend, how are you today, my kind Sir?"

The man rolled his eyes and gave me a smirk before responding, "I am well, Lionel.  This young man is taking his break now and I will cover the tab for whatever food and drink he wants."

My boss stuttered but caught himself before snipping back.  "Of course.  Your 15 starts now, Elliot."


I stifled a laugh as Mr. Townsend spoke and Lionel groaned.  "Fine.  30."

"Thank you, Sir. I appreciate the offer. I will get our order together and be right back." I ducked my head then went behind the counter to warm up two chocolate croissants while a coworker made 2 caramel lattes.

Whomever this guy is, he wants to buy me food. No sense turning down his kind offer, especially when the fresh pastries I made this morning looked amazing.

Once our items were ready I brought everything out to Mr. Townsend's table.  His name was familiar and I tried to figure out why. He was clearly older but regal, greying blonde hair cropped short and bifocals while his suit appeared designer. I have seen him here a number of times lately so it was fascinating that he singled me out.

My spidey sense was not tingling.  He seemed kind and the way he made Lionel trip over himself was hilarious. That jackass thinks being manager of a café is akin to Chairman of the Board for a huge stock brokerage.

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