Welcome to New York, we have gravity problems

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"So let me get this straight," Rex began as he sat down on a bench, "When Ben turned into Clockwork and blasted the portal that Alpha was trying to escape from, he had inadvertently created a feedback loop that desynchronized us from our respective worlds while simultaneously launching us into another universe that's filled with it's very own superheroes?"

Paradox nodded his head as he turned towards the two heroes, "Well, I did give you the nudge needed so that you'd arrive at this world specifically but yes, that is the gist of it." He revealed with a friendly smile on his face.

Ben's eyes shot open upon hearing the Time Walkers confession. "Wait... You're the reason we're here in the first place?!? But why?!?!"

"Because this universe is in dire need of your help." Revealed the Time Walker as he gently patted Ben in the back but upon noticing their confused looks, he sighed. "Allow me to elaborate, when you where facing Alpha, the rift that he was trying to escape from was created by pure chronal radiation which was made worse when you," Paradox said as he turned to face Ben, "turned into Clockwork and blasted it with your own chronal energy. The resulting backlash unleashed a wave of energy across both your worlds and fusing them together, not only that but it also ended up expelling some of your enemies into the multiverse, their end destination being here."

The two heroes looked at Paradox in shock as the weight of his words finally began to set in but before they could speak, Paradox raised his hand, "Now before you say anything, your world isn't in any danger of collapsing but because of that any attempt to return to it would lead to your imminent deaths. Fortunately, you've arrived before any of your villains have so you'll have plenty of times to prepare but I should warn you that because of the event tech from both of your words will start ending up in this universe so be on the look out for any alien tech or any nanites." He advised the two heroes before motioning them to step into Ben's car.

"Now, I think it's best if I sent you on your way now." Paradox said as he opened a blue portal in front of the car. "This will take you straight to the outskirts of New York, so as to not raise any suspicions."

Ben nodded his head in understanding as he keyed the cars engine and lightly pressed his foot down on the accelerator. "Understood, and Paradox..." Ben called out to the Time Walker, "Thanks."

Paradox smiled gently before opening another portal and stepped through it at the same time Ben and Rex drove through the other portal.
As the car drove out the otherside of the portal, the pair immediately noticed that there was something wrong. Frowning in suspicion, Ben's eyes darted from side to side before Rex nudged him with his elbow and pointed to something ahead of them.

"You don't think that's normal here? Right?" The Nanite hero asked his friend, who could only stare in disbelief as they watched part of New York floating above the ground. Eventually, after a few minutes of staring in disbelief, Ben found his voice again.

"Somehow... I really don't think so." He muttered, blinking a couple of times to ensure that he wasn't seeing things as flashes of lightning struck down repeatedly in a singular area. "But if I were to hazard a guess than I'd say that whatevers causing this is right over there." Ben said as he pointed towards where the lightning was striking.

Suddenly, Rex opened the passenger door and stepped out of the car as the Boogie Pack formed on his back, "Race you there?" He asked before taking off into the sky towards the floating piece of New York while Ben looked on before a huge grin broke grew on his face.

"Oh, you are so on!" He exclaimed as he activated the Omnitrix and slammed down on its core. With a flash of green light, he had transformed into a insect-like alien with a humanoid shape, it had a blue and black colour scheme. It had navy-blue wings, green eyes, and dark blue fur on the top of his shoulders to the bottom of his thighs. Big Chill has light blue spots on his forelimbs, antennas, claws, and head, with the Omnitrix symbol on his left shoulder.

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