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Blair POV.

I look up at the empty room.

This is the most inconspicuous bedroom among the many bedrooms in the old house.,dark and damp. I have spent many lonely nights here.

In fact, the gossip of the women in the garden is not completely wrong, but the truth is more complicated than they imagined.

My mother was indeed Mr. Emerson's mistress. She used to be an actress and thought that by sleeping with him a few more times, she could use her beauty to marry into this wealthy family.

She was so naive that she forgot who his wife was.

Mrs. Mary, a political star, is also known for her tough tactics. After learning that her husband had found a mistress, she immediately sent her bodyguards to find my mother and gang-raped her.

Then my mother got pregnant.

I was the product of a gang rape, so I never saw my mother from the moment I was born. She left me with my grandmother.

I'm a bit unlucky, but luckily my grandma loves me very much.

The two of us lived in a house on the lake, fishing in the summer and skating in the winter, until I was eight years old.

That winter was not very cold and the ice was a little thin. I accidentally fell into the lake and became seriously ill.

There are only some vague fragments left in my memory, such as my grandmother crying to send me to the hospital, crying to sell her jewelry, and then crying to send me to another city.

When I woke up again, I was lying in this dark and damp room.

I became the adopted daughter of the Emerson family, and I never saw my grandmother again.

Mr. Emerson felt guilty about my mother, so he kept me.

And Mrs. Mary kept me as a silent warning to her husband.

So it's normal for her to treat me badly. Once she whipped me and kept me in a dark room for three days. The reason is that I stole Michael's toys.

Michael is George's younger brother and Mrs. Mary's second child.

But in fact I was falsely accused.

She may or may not know, but she doesn't care.

Later, George saw my scars, and he took me out and lived with him.

I was twelve years old and George was twenty-two.

His villa has a nice name, sea of clouds.

Sea of Clouds is located on the water's edge, surrounded by woods on the other side, making it extremely quiet.

I still remember the moment I stepped into the Sea of Clouds, it felt like walking into a dim castle with flickering candlelight.

But I didn't feel scared at the time. Instead, I felt curious about exploring. Because my grandma and I's home was like this. In the dark night, my grandma would sit on the sofa and tell me ghost stories. There was always a plate of damp biscuits and a glass of cold milk on the table.

I thought I had a home again.

George is very cold and rarely talks.

But George won't bully me. He seems to be innately cold, but he is very patient when taking care of me.

Few visitors come to Sea of Clouds, including George's family. So the Sea of Clouds became my safe fortress. I know George is guarding the door and no one can break in.

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