Chapter 7

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A few days later, Catherine turned her head when footsteps followed her down the hallway. "Princess Catherine, would you finally like to accompany me into the city today?"

She glanced over Prince Victor's guard outfit. "Alright, if you wish." Changing into her horse riding outfit, she headed toward the stables. The stable hand was already brushing a horse near her.

"Taking another trip, your highness?"

"We're heading into town, yes."

His brushing paused. "You should be careful. After what happened to the king, I fear everyone may be a little on edge."

"Thank you," she replied. "I hope everything will turn out alright in the end."

"I hope so, princess." He turned to get their horses ready. "I hope so."

With their horses ready, soon Victor arrived at the stable. Heading through the steel doors, it wasn't long before they reached the towering heights of the city. People glanced up from their daily lives at the sight of them. They pointed and whispered, some laughed and waved, and kids raced along the trotting horses.

"Well, someone seemed to be quite popular." She turned in time to see him winked at a group of starstruck women. Rolling her eyes, more people came out to look at royalty through their journey. With a small wave toward them, she watched Victor pull his horse toward a building. The windows were full of bread and pastries, while the smell of fresh bread made her mouth water.

A bakery? She followed him inside. A large boned woman looked up at the sight of them. "Ah, Prince Victor," she gave a small curtsy. "How many are we getting today?"

"We'll have twenty loaves today, and one orange pastry for the princess."

The woman's gaze landed on her. "Oh, Princess Catherine." She curtsy again. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you with Prince Victor."

"No worries. I noticed a lot of women seemed to have their eyes on the prince here."

"Someone sounds jealous." He wiggled his eyebrows.

With a snort, she turned away. "Jealous? Me? I think not."

Victor shrugged his shoulders. "If you say so." Throwing a bag of coins onto the counter, he grabbed the baskets from the woman. "Thank you Mrs. Sander." He winked. "And may I say you're looking as beautiful as always."

"Oh your highness, you're such a tease." She chuckled before she headed into the back.

"So, what are we doing with twenty loaves of bread?" She asked, watching him mount his horse again.

He urged his mare forward. "You'll see."

And she did see. The houses around them started to shrink, becoming smaller and more slanted or even broken. Children without shoes ran around as women were hanging out clothes or carrying babies. Men without legs or arms, even eyes were talking among themselves.

"Where are we?"

"Near the northern part of town, higher up the mountain." Pulling his horse to a stop, Victor hopped down and headed toward a group of women. They didn't seem surprised as Victor talked among them like old friends with some pick up lines thrown in from their giggles. He handed them the loaves, which brought a few tears to their eyes.

Tilting her head, Catherine watched him head over a group of men, talking and making them laugh before he handed them bread. As he made his way over to her, he said nothing as they continued down the street. She watched Victor repeat the process, until there were no more loaves left. "So, you want to tell me what you're doing?"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 01 ⏰

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