Chapter 2

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Catherine's eyes never strayed from the two men as they took their seat. As their amused gazes met hers, anger tightened her chest. Was this a game to them? Her hands clenched as the King gestured to his sons.

"Queen Katie, Princess Catherine, I would like for you to meet my sons, Prince Ian and Victor."

"Twins?" Her mother gasped. "I knew twins ran in your generation but I never said that you had twins yourself."

The king nodded. "Yes, well forgive me if that little detail didn't pop up. As you may know the reason why."

Catherine glanced between the two twins, noticing the shift in tension in the air. What's going on?

"However, these two are my pride and joy." He nodded to his sons who took the cue to sit down. "And I'm sure one of them will make a wonderful heir to the kingdom." The king raised his glass. "So, while I have everyone's attention, I would like to announce that today is a monumental occasion, the hopeful union of these two kingdoms and many more prosperous years to come for both. Now, let's eat."

Catherine glanced back at the twins. Prince Victor rubbed the back of his neck, seemingly avoiding eye contact while Prince Ian seemed to roll his eyes. As she watched them closer, she couldn't find any real annoyance in their body language. If anything, they glanced at their father with admiration.

Seems like the princes are close with their fathers.

Still Catherine glanced around the dining table. So is the queen not joining us or...

"If you're looking for my wife, I'm afraid she's no longer with us." Catherine met the king's pained gaze before she flinched at the twins' heated glares. "I'm sorry," she lowered her head. "I had no idea."

"I've always heard twins were difficult on the mother's body." Her mother added. "You have my deepest apologies."

"Thank you." The king smiled. "Your words are greatly appreciated." He grabbed his cup. "Now, I'm sure you're wondering how the rules of succession work with twins. Since both were born at the same time, we have made the decision that marriage would be the way of succession."

Marriage? Catherine's eyes widened.

"You mean the first to get married will take over?" Her mother nearly dropped her fork. "But that's unheard of."

"Well you are in my kingdom now." He folded his hands. "And besides were you not the one that offered your daughter's hand to save your kingdom." Her mother's lips pressed while the kIng sat back. "I don't have any doubts in either of my sons' abilities to lead. I know they will each lead this kingdom in a way that fits their strengths and covers their weaknesses."

His gaze snapped to her. "Which is why I think this will be a good way to see who's weaknesses your daughter compliments. After all, a king is just as powerful as their queen."

Catherine's eyes widened. This wasn't just about marrying the twins. This was a test for her as well. He was going to be watching her. Her stomach turned.

"Now," he picked up a fork, "let us eat."


As Catherine watched the sun disappear among the mountains, she released a soft sigh before a gentle knock snapped her attention to the door. "Come in." When her mother stepped into the room, Catherine straightened. "Mom?"

"I thought I would see how you're feeling after dinner." Catherine made room for her mother. Even with night approaching, she was dressed in the most elegant nightgowns. "Especially learning about the twins and the rules of succession here."

Catherine looked down at her hands. "I feel....fine." There was nothing she could really do to change things. "Catherine." She met her mother's gaze. "You have been preparing for this your whole life. Keep your head up and your heart strong."

Easy for you to say.

"Your father was a stranger to me."

Her gaze snapped up to her. "Father?"

"Yes," she nodded. "You see, my father had three daughters with me being the oldest. However, I wasn't allowed to rule until I had a husband by my side. That's where your father came in. I knew him as Earl Nathenial and it was agreed that we would make the perfect marriage."

"Really?" Catherine tilted her head. "But you two seem to be so in love."

"It wasn't always like that." Her mother's gaze softened. "We learned to respect each other, rely on each other, and when we figured out we were having you, it turned into love." Reaching out, her mother grabbed her hands. "While this may not be idle, people find love in the craziest places."

"You think I'm going to fall in love with one of them?" Catherine questioned. Her mother reached up, unhooking the necklace from her neck. The family crest glowed in the light before she leaned forward and hooked it around her neck.

"Like I said we find love in the craziest places." Pushing up, she brushed a strand from Catherine's forehead. "Now, I will leave you to rest." At the soft click of the door, Catherine looked down at her necklace, feeling warmth bloomed in her chest. Even if her family never said the words, she knew they would always love her.

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