Turning around he walked out.

Gautam picked up the stash of papers and turned over the pages roughly. It had the list of all his crimes, alongside the evidence, missing documents, missing FIR complaints, his connections, his accounts, and the list of people he destroyed building his empire.

Letting out a grunt, Gautam picked up the huge glass jar from the table before smashing it across the opposite wall.


Riddhan sank into his chair, the worn leather familiar beneath his weight, within the comforting embrace of his old office. This space, his sanctuary, bore the mark of his own labor. He remembered the days of its inception—the hours spent cleaning, the scavenging for second-hand furniture, the careful arrangement of books—all to fashion a heaven where he could simply be the lawyer—he was.

Picking up the paperweight, he brought it to his level before trying to eye across it. Rotating the prism in his hand, he slumped deeper before closing his eyes. This was getting worse. The more time it was taking, the more he was getting closer to face the burn of it.

Slowly, he opened his eyes and stared at the photo of his dead wife over his table. "If you had to die, you should have just died" He spoke bitterly.

As his phone chimed with a notification, he put the paperweight down, and read the message, "700000 credited to your SBI account 89765400XXXXXXXX" A sly smirk spread across his lips before he huffed a whiff of breath. This was not the plan.

Gautam Chaurasiya was not the person to mess with. Yet, he was forced to. That snake was dancing enough behind the closed curtains, it was time he changed the tune. He had to pull a few strings to get the deed done but this had pushed him to greater danger. He was already balancing between very thin threads. If any of it broke, he was doomed.

His chain of thoughts broke as he heard a knock outside the door, "Yes?" He called in.

"Guess what, we have it," Rajat's voice boomed as he walked in quickly taking a seat and throwing him the envelope.

Riddhan took the photos out and a slow smirk spread across his lips, "And you told me I wasn't a good photographer"

"I am sure it was the camera"

Riddhan snorted. Well, at least a good outcome.

"So what do you plan to do?"

Riddhan put the photos back, took out his phone, and typed something when Rajat's phone buzzed, '100000 credited to your BOD account 3245667XXXXXXX'.

"Now transfer the money, and track down what Abhijeet Thakur is up to" Riddhan nodded at him.

Rajat smiled, "At it. But how did you arrange that?"

"Ain't you acting a lot more curious lately?" Riddhan eyed him shrewdly.

"Of course, I have to. I am representing you" Swallowing the demeaned tone, Rajat smiled.

"You are merely putting on a show. You are given a script to perform, you enact the same" Riddhan scoffed.

"Mind your words Riddhan, I am your lawyer. I might be taking your bullshit but don't forget no one in this market was ready to take your case," Rajat seethed, "oh the poor boy who fell for the rich princess, became her shining armor" He enacted in a squeaky loud pitched opera tone, before the façade dropped, and he spat, "Cut it, Nanda, you were her idea of entertainment, you were her weapon of getting things done from her boyfriend, but much to her dismay her father took liking of you. He liked the story of pitying a poor guy and getting her frivolous daughter married to a powerless man. That would have allowed him to hold the perspective and twist the narration"

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