9- Family History

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Anne sat across the from the fire, still visibly shivering but wrapped in nearly every blanket we could find. It was now the second week of October and the temperatures just continued to drop during the night. We try to visit every night now if we can, but more realistically than not it's every few days. Sebastian will go on without us most times, especially if Imelda holds me captive for drills if I drop the quaffle during another game. So far we've defeated Hufflepuff, but our real test in Gryffindor is coming up and she has given evil a new name. 

I sat close to Sebastian in the cool cottage, my shoulder touching his ever so slightly and that was enough to send tingles throughout my body. I knew it had the same effect to him because he reached behind us and covered my hand with his as we both lounged backwards on the cold floor by his sister.

The weeks with us have been interesting. Since that night in the common room, the electricity has been at an all time high but our time alone together was minimal. Ominis now staked out the Undercroft to keep an eye on our magic usage and Deek continued to monitor the Room of Requirement. No, I wasn't quite sure of exactly where we stood courting wise, but I was sure that I couldn't go very long without his lips on mine and we stole a chance whenever we saw an opening. We really should use the map chamber because the Keepers were silent as the grave. Perhaps they decided I wasn't worthy to help. 

We hadn't really relayed any of what was going on between us to Ominis, Anne, or really anyone for that matter. The bubble we were in was quite thrilling and satisfying.

"Someone tell me something to distract me from this bloody cold," Anne muttered, teeth chattering. I waved my wand slightly at the fire, causing it to grow and the heat to spread throughout. Thankfully, smaller spells were getting easier to control thanks to the hours of practice Seb and I were putting in. "Thanks."

"Like  w-w-what?" Sebastian questioned through a yawn.

"I don't know. Ominis just walked out to get me the blasted potions and you two have been strangely quiet back there," she said, turning her head slightly to raise a brow. Thankfully our bodies blocked our hands behind us.

"Tired and regretting life choices," I said, stifling a yawn myself. "I hate quidditch."

She chuckled at that. "Oh, I miss it. Picturing the hoops as someones head always helped."

I laughed, shaking my head and felt the heat of Sebastians eyes on the side of my face. It took every ounce of strength not to move closer to him.

"Come one, one of you tell me something. Oh, I know," Anne gasped suddenly, turning around ever so slightly from the warmth of the fire to meet my gaze. "I do have a question, if you don't mind answering?"

When I opened my mouth to answer the door creaked open and Ominis trudged inside, muttering about how immoral it was to send the blind person alone to retrieve potions. He went to the back counter and settled everything down. Sebastian rose from our spot, with one final squeeze of my hand, to help him and sort through to find the vial Anne needed to take now. 

Sharp had been spending weeks teaching me how to perfect my shrivelfig potion for the pain, that I was able to bring several of those for Anne. The rest were for weakness, nausea, fainting, and countless other ailments my brain couldn't keep track of that I'm not even certain those are what these potions are helping. Whatever they were for, they weren't cures and it didn't really help but just lessened it for the time being.

Just like me.

"What was your question, Anne?" I murmured while the boys bickered at the back of the cottage. There was a slap, probably to the back of the head judging by the string of curses Sebastian let out.

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