I Live For Destruction

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When I woke up, I laid there for a few minutes with my eyes shut. Finally, I decided to open my eyes, and once I did, I shrieked when I saw Gabriel laying next to me  and staring. Out of instinct, I socked him in the nose.

"Ow! Okay, maybe not the best idea to surprise you like that. You throw a mean punch," he whined as he held his now bleeding nose.

"Fuck! I'm so sorry! Oh my god, are you okay?"

"I'm good, Cupcake, it'll heal in a minute," he reassures.

He leaves the room so I can get dressed for the day. When I'm done with that, I grab my phone and go find Gabriel, who's in the living room. I sit on the couch with my calves under my butt. Gabriel tosses me a remote to the TV when I get situated in my spot.

"Hey, do you have a USB? Or if you don't, can you summon one? I want to show you some things I have on my phone." I asked Gabriel.

He handed me a USB and I connected my phone to the TV. I scrolled through my apps to find YouTube, and once I did, I went to my 'watch later' videos. Scrolling to find the first one I wanted to show him, which just so happened to be the first Kings Of Con episode.

Gabriel looks over at me with a questioning look on his face when he sees that first episode. I smirk knowingly at him because I know the absolute chaos and hilarity this is, but he doesn't.

"Cupcake, what is this?" Gabriel said slowly, watching the TV closely.

My brain short-circuits for a second. I can exactly recall when he's called me 'Cupcake' before, but hearing it now and when I'm having a good mood swing makes me feel all fluttery and shy. Speaking of a good mood swing, I'm thinking the extreme moods and how fast they're changing is because I'm not on my medicines right now.

"So," I start with a laugh, "the actor from my old world and another actor that is very close friends with you made this show of sorts. Also, I'm not going to say who this actor plays. Let's just say it is a really interesting show, and these two people are kind of strange, but in a good way."

Gabriel nods slowly and continues watching. As he watches, I start stewing on how I'm going to get my medicines and anything else medical that I'd ever need. I know I can ask Gabriel for anything, but I absolutely do not like asking others for stuff and I am a mostly independent person. Depending on someone else isn't in my nature.

Also, what did being Gabriel's soulmate mean? Did certain things happen because of the whole soulmate thing? Did certain things happen after other things, like after kissing or sex? I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt something super soft and sort of, tingly I guess is the best word, wrap around and over my shoulders.

"Whatcha thinkin' so hard about? You look absolutely adorable with the little frown and thinking expression on your face," Gabriel asked with a smile.

"Oh!" I blushed when I heard him call my face adorable. "Well, um, I think I know why my moods have been so extreme and switch often. I don't have my meds and they've been out of my system for six months. Which led me to think about how I'd get them and any other medical thing I'd ever need, then about how I don't like to ask others for things, and then thinking about what being your soulmate entails."

I knew I had started rambling, I just didn't know how to stop. I had revealed that I needed something and implied that I wasn't going to ask. Then I brought up the whole soulmate thing, which I'm still overwhelmed with learning I had one, and that they even existed, on top of everything since I apparently died in my world!

"There you go again with that cute face! Well, your face is always cute, but you know what I mean. Anyway, let me get your medicines for you because I can just snap and they'll show up here. As for asking me for things, as long as I have my grace, we won't ever have to worry about money or even going to the doctor. And I would do anything for you. I also am able to tell what you are thinking most of the time, but it's a bit jumbled and races a lot. I actively try not to read your mind because I want to respect you and your privacy. Tell me what medicines you are on so I can get them and then we'll sit and have a conversation about the soulmate thing."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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