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-Y/n Pov-

As Peter moves around the monument, and continues climbing.

Down below, people have started to gather to see what's happening.

I planted my feet on the wall and used my powers to punch it by it did nothing

Y-What the hell is wrong with this glass?!

Soon Peter finally meets me at the top of the monument. Pausing, he turns onto his back and clings to the cracked stone.


Y-Peter are u ok?

Cautiously, Peter peers over the edge to the ground far below.

Peter-Okay. Oh, my god. Okay.

He then takes panicky breaths and sticks to the wall.

Karen-What's wrong? You've reached the southwest window. Why are you hesitating?

Peter-It's fine. It's just, I've just never been this high before.

Peter tries to shoo away the seagulls perched on the windowsill.

Karen-You have also not reinstalled your parachute, so a fall from this height would most likely be lethal.

Y-I wouldn't let that happen

I said keeping at it trying to punch through it

Peter moves on top of the windowsill and the seagulls fly away.

Peter-Perfect. Oh, my god.

Y-Why is it not breaking?

Karen-It's a four-inch ballistic glass. You'll have to create more momentum.

Y-U try with that window and Ill do this one


Peter shoots a web against the monument wall and rappels down the strand until his feet lie flat against the glass.

Jumping, he swings against the window. The glass cracks slightly.

I flew back a bit and pulled my hand back collecting a huge ball of energy, twirling to get more momentum and throwing it at the window

I flew back a bit and pulled my hand back collecting a huge ball of energy, twirling to get more momentum and throwing it at the window

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Police helicopters approach, guns ready. Speakers boom as a police officer speaks out.

Police-This is D.C. Metro police. Identify yourself.

Peter-My friends are in there! My friends are in there! Stop!

Police-Return to the ground immediately.

Y-My dad is gonna be so pissed

It was almost cracked

Police- Ms. stark Stand down! Return to the ground immediately! We got this.

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