•Chapter 7•

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"Well, what do we have here."

I look up to see Tonowari looking at us with his eyebrow arched. I quickly pushed Ronal off of me and stood up. I look at him not knowing what to say. I open my mouth to say something but close it, what in the hell do you say to a man who just caught you making out with his wife. So, I then do the one thing I know to do.

I ran.

I can hear them calling my name, but I don't look back, I just run. I run from Ronal, Tonowari, jake, my problems, and most of all my past.


We watch as Kiara runs into the island's jungle. We don't run after her, it's a small island she won't get far. Right now, I have more important things to discuss like my wife. I turn to Ronal.

"My love, do you remember when we discussed how we would talk to Kiara, explain to her, and make the moment a special moment for her. Do you remember that conversation." I asked her.

"Yes, I do." She says like she didn't just ruin that plan.

"Then why did I just find you making out with her." I ask, stepping closer to her.

"Come on Tono, I mean think about her, how could I keep my hands off of her." She says. In some ways she has a point, when I saw them together it was hard to not to just watch.

"Whatever, just next time try to keep your hands to yourself. Now let's go get her." I say looking in the direction she ran.

"You think she's going towards the stones." She asks, looking in the same direction.

"Without a doubt. They are drawn to her. She'll go towards then without even realizing it. Now let's go find her before she gets too close to them." I say grabbing my wife's hand leading her to where our girl is.


I start to slow down being out of breath. I started to walk not having any idea where I'm going. That's when I start to see a cave. As I walk in and a sort of energy washes over me. I see these drawings on the walk of the cave as I walk deeper into the cave but when I turn the corner of the cave that's when I see it. A stone, no, gem like object. It was floating and glowing a bright blue. As I slowly stepped closer to it my dots and hair started to glow. I jumped back but once I did my dots and hair when back to normal. I slowly walk back up to it causing me to start glowing again but this time I got closer causing the gem to glow brighter. I start to hear something I don't know what it is though they almost sound like whispers, voices even. I start to reach out for it and as I do the gem glows brighter and brighter the closer, I get. Finally, I grab it but once I do the glowing stops. I look at the gem wondering if it was just my imagination. I start to shake it trying to start it back up again, I then hit the gem against the stone wall and that's when the gem lights back up. But it then gets very bright and starts to crack. The gem then bursts, I immediately cover my face so the shards do hit me, but nothing comes. I slowly look up to see that the shards are now floating. Wow they look like stars. I then went to reach out to touch one when I noticed that I'm glowing again. I reached out to one of the shards but when I do all of them come flying at me, but instead of stabbing or impaling me they absorb into me. I look down but some start to feel dizzy.

"KIARA!" I hear the echoes of both Tonowari and Ronal's voices. I slowly turn around and stumble toward their voices. I make I way toward the outside of the cave holding onto the wall, so I don't fall.

"Tonowari she is over here." I hear Ronal say. I tried to go to her but as soon as I let go of the wall to walk to her, I fell. Once I hit the ground, I started to see spots and then everything went dark and quiet.

My eyes slowly flutter open to see white. I sit up to see that I'm sitting on a bed of some sort I get up to feel a cold tile like floor. I start to walk around to not see anything around but white and a smooth cold floor that I can see my own reflection in.

"Hello." I call out, only to hear my own echoes.

"Hello my child." I hear. I jump at the voice almost like it's in my head but not quite.

"Don't be frightened. You have made me proud of my child. Your one step closer to your mission." I hear the voice say.

"Which it what exactly." I ask.

"You my daughter, have found one of my gems. Use its power to find the other three. Once you have the power of the gems, my power running through your veins you will save our people." The voice says. That's when it hits me about who I'm talking to.

"Eywa." I say.

"Hello my child." She speaks. "You must find my gems, remember my stories." She speaks.

"Wait, what stories. I'm sorry but I don't remember. I think I would if it was Eywa who told them to me." I say with question.

"I did indeed when you were young. I speak though my people as I do with others and as I did with your mother to you." After she says that my vision starts to darken.

"WAIT Eywa don't leave please. Tell me what to do." I say desperately but all I heard was.

"Remember." She repeated over and over until it was dark.

And then I remembered that story.

"Legend says that the jewels will revel themselves to a special na'vi with the heart of all four kingdoms."

"I love you my little warrior."

"Good night mama."

"Good night, Kiara."

I then gasp awake.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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