•Chapter 5•

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I walk back to the hut where the others are. I couldn't stop thinking about Tonowari and Ronal, just thinking about them make me blush- that's bad right. My thoughts were interrupted as I walk into the hut.

"Where were you." Jake said as I walk in. "We need to talk. NOW." He said grabbing my arm and pulling me down to sit with him and Nay'tiri.

"What's going on. Is everything ok?" I asked pulling my arm away, damn that hurt.

"what is wrong with you!" jake said to me.

"What." I said looking at him in disbelief.

"Your little out burst at Ronal almost got us kicked off the island, puting MY family at risk." he said raising his voice at me.

"your family." i said to him slowly. "Well, your family wouldn't be here without me. I was the one who stood up for those kids when they were getting bullied and being called fucking demons. like shit, all you did was stand there and let it happen that's at you EVER DO!! Is STAND THERE AND WATCH!" I yell at him.

"Don't you dare Kiara i protect those kids with my life and also those are MY kids, mine not yours mine." he said sternly to me.

"Really, because one of your kids don't ever feel loved, just that he was a mistake in the family. And all i ever do it take care of those kids while your out trying to start another war." i say about to cry at this point.

"Really, thats what you call it. IM PROTECTING OUR HOME DAMN IT. MY FAMILY." He yelled.

"They are my family too jake. you are my family too!" I said crying now.

"Not anymore." He told me calmly. my face drops.

"What." i say not sure what i just heard.

"You are not a part of this family, you never have been and never will be." He says to me.

I look at him in complete disbelief. I look over at nay'tiri to see if she felt the same, but when i looked at her she was looking down avoiding eye contact with me. i looked at jake nodding slowly. i stood up slowly and i looked at them one last time before running out of the hut. It was pitch dark out but the sea was lit and guided my way to wherever i am going. once i ran as far as i could i droped down at the sea short. i started breathing very hard while crying as hard as i ever had before. The last two years ment nothing to them. The pain in my heart it felt so strong so.........familiar, the felling of betrayal i've felt it before.


I was 17. i was walking over to my soon to be mate Zimo's hut. i wanted to ask him to go out to the glowing lake together. But when i walking up to his hut i hear something, it sounded like moaning. i slowly walk in the hut. my face quickly drops to see Zimo kissing on another girl's neck. Look at him hurt and in disbelief. i gasp lightly gaining their attention, but when the female turns aroung to where i can see her face i feel something i've never felt before. It was my best friend Lou'kyana. when i love down i see their braids are connected. No, he wouldn't. They mated, mating is for life non- reversable, a forever bound between your partner. i look at them.

"Kiara. Wait." He said trying ti get up.

"No, no. you promised." i say. "you promised" i whispered backing away from him. i then run into the forest.


I start to cry even more with the new memory. i then feel a hand on my shoulder. i jump quickly looking to see who it was. When i turn around i see ronal, just look at her starting to cry even more. She doesnt say anything, all she does is hug me.

"He said he didnt want me in their family anymore. they dont love me." i cry into her chest.

She continued to hold me not saying anything. after a while i stop crying, but just feel very numb. Ronal then picks me up, once she does i wrap my arms around her neck and my legs around her waist. i was much smaller then her so it was pretty easy for her to pick me up. she started to walk. she then walked into, what im guessing is her hut. she then sets me down on a large weaved bed. i curl up on the bed still feeling numb.

"what is this." i hear tonowari's voice.

"they kicked her out like a peice of nothing." ronal told him.

I heard him as he walked up to where i was. He pushes my hair back looking at my face. i look up at him before looking back down with no emoation. He then pulls a leaf blanket over me. i then fall asleep.


I watch as tono pulls the leaf blanket over her before walking back over to me. i continue to look at her.

"We have to protect her." i tell him. "You know what she is, the power she holds."

"I know my love and  we will." he says puting his head agaienst mine.

"She's our's." I say lowly.

"She's our's" He repeats.

(So so so sorry about the long delay. i had major writers block, but now I'm back with plenty of ideas so expect more! And sorry for the mistakes.)

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