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                                                                                     •13 YEARS AGO•                 

         A little 12 year old na'vi girl was running around her village trying to catch herself a butterfly  she was so busy with the butterfly that she didn't even notice she was about leave the village until till two strong arms pick her up and place her on their hip.

"Not so fast little one now what have I told you about leave the village and going into the forest."

"That the forest is dangerous and I could get lost or hurt." She said

Her father chuckled as he carried her back to the village. He stopped in front of a beautiful hut and walked in with the little na'vi on his hip. They walked in to find a beautiful na'vi woman weaving some clothes.

"look who I found almost leaving the village again."

The woman looked up at her husband and then her daughter who was still on his hip. She look at her daughter and gave her a look as if saying 'You know better'. The little na'vi look down and mumble an apology to her mother. the woman got up off the ground and walked over to her daughter cupping her cheek and kissing her forehead. "it's ok my love just please be more mindful next time."

"yes mama."

Her mother smiled and walked away to start dinner. After dinner her father had left for something important and her mother was back the making clothes. The little na'vi girl started yawn, which her mother noticed.

"It's time for bed my love."

"But I'm not even tired yet." The little girl said

"Mhm, time for bed come on little one." Her mother said as She pick up the little na'vi and carried her to her bed. Her mother placed her down and and sat down beside the bed. The little girl looked up at her mother.


"yes little one."

"can you tell me a story."

"hmmm. Ok but you have to go to bed after."

"ok, ok I will, I promise mama, now please tell me one."

" Long ago there use to be four royal kingdoms that where united and lived in peace. there was the forest kingdom full of animals and so much green life around it. There was the ocean kingdom full of strong navies, children of the ocean, that have had tails so strong the could swim to the deepest part of the ocean. there were the sky navies that had huge beautiful wings that could help them sore the skies. But then the were the ash na'vi those were the warriors the protecters. they all lived in peace until one day Tomb'aco the leader of the ash clan wanted power more power then he was allowed to have.You see, each kingdom had a jewel that powered their land, like the ocean jewel kept the animals alive and the waters blue and the forest jewel kept the forest alive. Each kingdom leader promise to kept the jewels together and to never use them against eachother. But Tomb'aco broke his promise stole his jewel and began his chaos, all the leaders came together and defeated him but sadly the jewel were lost nobody knows were they are but legend says that the jewels will revel themselves to a special na'vi with the heart of all four kingdoms." Her mother said

"Wow mama that was an amazing story. Do you think the jewels will ever be found"

"I don't know but I'm sure they will be will one day." her mother said while smiling "I love you my little warrior."

"Good night mama"

"Good night Kiara."



               "IS SHE DEAD!" I her a little girl yell from far away "IS SHE OK!" She screams.

" TUK!! Shut up I'm trying to see." I hear an older boy say.

" Don't yell at her." I also hear an older girl say.

I slowly open my eyes to see that I'm face to face with a younger na'vi boy. I let out a shriek, the boy quickly backs up while I quickly claw to a near by tree and put my back up against it. I breath hard while looking at the three na'vi children the boy slowly walks up to me with his hands out like I'm some frightened animal.

"Hey, hey it's ok I promise we won't hurt you." he says "I'm Lo'ak. That over there is my older sister Kiri." he says pointing to the older girl.

"Hey." She says while waving.

"And that's my little sister Tuk."  Lo'ak says while pointing over to the little girl. "what's your name."

I look at the boy. I don't remember my life or past so I say the one thing I can remember.

                                                                     "My name is Kiara."

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