•Chapter 3•

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               •FOUR HOURS LATER•

I woke up in familiar hut. I got up and walk out of my hut, as I walk around I notice the kids eavesdropping on whatever conversation their parents were having.

"What are yall doing" I whispered sternly to them. Lo'ak puts his finger up to his lips agressively as if saying 'shush'.

"We can't leave, this is our HOME!" i hear ney'tiri yell.

"He had are children, he had them by his knife." I hear Jake say back I can hear Ney'tiri sobbing as i hear Jake say sternly to her "If i know one thing, this family is our FORTRESS!"

The next couple of days were tough, Jake had explained to us that in order to survive we needed to disappear. Jake had to give up his title up as chiefto do that, the hardest part was having to walk out of the village. The people staring the children crying at the fact they had to leave their home. We packed our stuff got on our ikrans and left.

             •COUPLE DAYS LATER•

We finally made it to Metkayina tribe's main island. A horn was set off as we entered the territory. We circled around and found a place to land, as we landed all eyes were on us and people started to form around us. We all got off our ikran, Ney'tiri got her bow out but Jake quickly told her to leave it. Tuk ran over and grab my hand as we walked to the people. Then these two younger water boys about lo'ak's age walked through the crowed to the front staring at Neteyam and lo'ak. Neteyam tried to say hi as a from of respected but instead of responding to him they ignored the gesture.

"look, what is that" One of the boys said pointing at Neteyam's tail. I look at him confused, have he never seen a tail before. "Is that supposed to be a tail."

"What dose it look like, if anything it's a major upgrade compared to yours" I said to the boys getting their attention. The taller one looks at me up and down, wait is he checking me out. Oh please I'm into men not little boys. At the same time this girl walk up to the boys slapping the one that was checking me out's arm.

"Do not. Rotxo, Aonung." the girl said sternly to the boys. She then looks up, then looks at lo'ak.

"Hey" Lo'ak said to the girl making her look down and giggle and brush. Then these na'vi come over riding on these weird looking ikran. As they land in the water one catches my attention he was dressed different then the other. That must be the leader, Tonowari. Jake told me about him, that he was the main chief of the Metkayiana tribe, he also told me about his wife Ronal and how if want to stay here we would to get through her first. He walked out of the water and greeted Jake and Ney'tiri first and then greeted the kids and lastly greeted me but instead of simple gesture he held eye contact longer. Then a beautiful na'vi women walked through the crowed causing me to break my eye contact with Tonowari. Jake and Ney'tiri tried to gesture in respect to her but she just ignored them and looked at all of us.

"Why do you come to us, Jake Sully" Tonowari says, his accent is rich as he speaks.

"We seek uturu." jake answered.

"Uturu!" ronal says in disbelif.

"Yes, sanctuary for my family." jake says.

"We are reef people. You are forest people. Your skills will mean nothing here" Tonowari says as Ronal circles us.

"We will learn your ways" Jake says.

Ronal walks up examing us, she picks up Ney'tiri's tail causing her to give Ronal a dirty look.

"Their arms are thin" Ronal says picking up tuk's arm. I pulled Tuk back away from her.

"Auntie ara" Tuk says looking at me. I bend down and pick her up. Ronal walks over to me picking up my tail agressively.

"Their tails are weak, you will be slow in the water" she says, but then she picked up kiri's hands and then raises them in the air for everyone to see. "These children are not even true Na'vi"

"Yes we are" kiri says to her. Ronal walk over to lo'ak raising his arm in the air like she did kiri.

"They have demon blood!" she yells to the crowed making them gasp, as poor lo'ak looks down in shame and humilation. I walk up to her grabbing her arm away from lo'ak's.

"That's enough there is no need to do that" I say not breaking eye contact with her.

"And what of you, you don't look like any of them. So who are you" she says looking me up and down.

"It's non of your buisness" I say sternly kinda in her face.

"It is if you want to stay here" Ronal says giving me a death stare, we stare at each other neither of us daring to break eye contact....

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