•Chapter 6•

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When I wake up, I see that I'm not in my hut that's when I remember all of last night. My eyes start to water remembering all the jake said to me. Am I not a part of the family, did it all mean nothing, or maybe he was just mad. That it, he was just mad ill go take to him and it will all be fine. I practically leap out of the makeshift bed but stop when I see its still night. I look down to see Ronal and Tonowari asleep wrapped up in each other's arms. I decided that I'll just go for a walk, maybe even feed the Ilu. I very slowly and quietly step over the sleeping couple, when I'm finally about to exit the hut, I hear a voice behind me.

"Going somewhere." I turn around to see Tonowari behind me with his arms crossed over his chest, I then look down to see Ronal looking at me still half asleep.

"I was just going............to" I start to say thinking hard on what to say.

"Kiara, we have down a lot for you and more, so I think the last thing you want to do is lie to us." Ronal said in a sleepy voice.

"I was going for a walk. I was going to go talk to jake." I say looking down. I look up to see Tonowari walking over to Ronal, he leans down and whispers something into her ear causing her to smile. After kissing her on the head, he tells her to go back to sleep and the leaves taking me with him. We walk up to the water; he starts to walk in causing me to stop which make him stop.

"No need to be afraid, remember I told you I would give you some swimming lessons." He holds out his hand to me. "You can trust me." He speaks. I then take his hand once I do, he pulls me to him to where I am now on his back, I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around him waist. I am so glad he can't see me because of the way I'm blushing so hard right now. He makes some sort of whistle noise which make his alligator looking think come up to us. He gets on it and it takes us out to the border of the village waters. Once we get there he gets off.

"I'm going to take you off and into the water. Okey." He says to me.

"WHAT! NO not okey." I say to me clinging into him for dear life.

"Hey, it's okey. Trust me." He tells me. I nodded slowly sliding of him still holding he hand.

"Good. Now let's start."


After the swimming lessons we head back to the village. Once we get back, I see Ronal and we walk up to her.

"How did it go." She asks.

"It was fun I know how to swim in place, but I still need to work in actually swimming around." I ramble on to her.

"Yes, she did well." He told her. "Well, I need to get going so ill see you ladies later. So, she's all yours my love." He said kissing Ronal's head.

After he leaves, I go and help Ronal do all kinds of things around to village. The whole day went by, and I never got a break or got a chance to talk or even see jake.

"No Kiara like this, your hand goes under the leaf as you bring it through the bead." Ronal tells me. Right now, I'm having to go through the pain of learning to make fruit baskets with Ronal. It's just right after sundown and Tonowari is not back yet.

"Ugh I hate this." I say to her.

"Okey." She said putting the basket down. "Then what do you want to do." She asks me.

"Can we go feed to Ilu." I ask. She smiles at me.

"Of course we can." She speaks.

We get up and she takes me over to where the Ilu are. They looked to pretty at night as they were splashing and playing around. Ronal walks over and gets the basket which I am guessing has the food in it. The Ilu see her with the basket and swim up to us. She hands me a couple of things of fish. I toss them the fish; some I toss into the water making them dive into the water to get it which causes them to splash around while doing so. As I toss another into the water the little Ilu go to get it and splashes around but they were so close to Ronal that they get her all wet. I couldn't help but giggle at her as she stands in shock, she then looks at me and splashes me with the water causing me to stop laughing. She starts to laugh at me, but I quickly toss the rest of the fish as I then splash her back. We then have a mini water fight, after getting soaked I called a truce, but she then comes up to the shore where she then tackles me into the stand.

"Never." She laughs while smiling down at me. I look up at her as she is over me, I then just stare at her. She then starts to lean in connecting our lips. Oh, my Eywa, she is kissing me, wait but this feels wrong. Oh, but so right. I then pull back.

"Wait this is wrong." I say not meeting her eyes. Ronal then picks my head up so that I'm looking at her.

"No, it's not." She says pulling me into another kiss. This time instead of pulling away I put my hands on her waist, pulling her closer. The kiss starts to get heated but before we can do anything else I hear a voice behind us say.

"Well, what do we have here."

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