Chapter no.140 Team Rocket's Attack part 7

Start from the beginning

Cynthia looked ready for battle, her Garchomp growling.

"Get on it," Steven commanded, as Cynthia instantly left the Hall from the other doors.

"The psychic defenses are raised on all sides already. While the ship is moving, it will be difficult for them to get on board." Lorelei observed.

Almost as if in answer to her statement, the entire ship hit a halt, the sheer inertia making everyone drop to the floor, save the occasionally floating psychic type.

"I guess the ship isn't moving anymore." Lorelei deadpanned.


Austin grimaced as he nearly lost his footing when the ship shook.

Whatever was going on around the deck was affecting the ship.

"Saur?" Bulbasaur asked looking concerned as he grabbed Austin's waist with a vine to help him regain his footing.

"I'm fine just need to find the others," Austin said the pain had long numbed showing he was adapting to it.

Footsteps made him pause before he heard an unfamiliar voice. "Arianna we haven't found that Ketchum boy yet."

Hearing that made Austin tense and duck behind a box that was in the hallway, Bulbasaur crouching next to him as some Grunts came in sight along with Arianna.

"Do I have to do everything myself?" Arianna asked with a hint of a snarl making the grunts tense and looking very nervous. "Go search the other floors, I want him brought to me alive do you understand?"

"Alive?" One of the grunts looked a bit dumbfounded. "But earlier you said for us to kill-?"

Arianna primed a Pokeball with a dark look. "If you value your life you will stop right there," She warned making the grunt pale before they rushed to get to the stairs. "Idiots."

Austin peeked over the edge of the box seeing Arianna leave only to accidentally knock a bucket that was on the box over the loud clanging noise making her turn her head as he quickly hid again.

It didn't take long for slow footsteps to make their way towards his hiding spot as Bulbasaur looked ready to defend his trainer.

"You might as well come out Ash I know you're there, we won't have long before those idiots realize they've been tricked."

Austin froze at that voice.

No way.

Slowly he stood up in time to see 'Arianna's' face melt off making him look a bit disgusted while Bulbasaur still looked wary before Green smiled while a Ditto sat near her.

"I did say I was a master of disguise," Green said although the smile fell at seeing his state. "Wow, you got messed up."

"Green what are you doing here?" Austin asked in surprise with Green crossing her arms with a look, Bulbasaur backed down on confirmation that his trainer knew this strange girl.

"Really? A pretty girl like me comes to the rescue and that's what you have to say?" Green asked in a mock hurt tone.

"You know what I mean," Austin said a bit short but he quickly shook his head. "Sorry, I'm just on edge."

"Can't blame you there, you did piss off Team Rocket somehow," Green said with a shrug. "I figured I owed you one since you didn't turn me in, now come on."

Accepting that explanation, Austin gave a nod and walked towards her with Bulbasaur close behind. "Have you found any of the others?"

"No, you were the first one I found," Green said wishing that she could use her Abra's teleport to move but without knowing where the Grunts were and being on a ship in the middle of the ocean she can't risk it.


"Wartortle use Water Pulse, Nidorino Shadow Ball!" Gary ordered his two strongest Pokemon to blast Team Rocket away.

These Grunts were practically cannon fodder for him considering he was able to plow through them, don't get him wrong they were dangerous but his Pokemon was stronger.

'Sis was worried for nothing.' Gary thought with a smirk before reminding himself about the Executives.

They were the ones he needed to worry about, especially given how they were trying to kill Ash.

"Ashy-Boy you stepped into it this time," Gary muttered right as Brock and Butterfree rounded the corner. "Brock, you alright?"

Brock gave a nod relieved to have found someone. "I'm fine, you?"

"Just peachy, I'll feel better when we find Ashy-Boy," Gary said showing some concern.

Seeing the concern gave Brock a small smile as despite how Gary acted he was showing a lot of worry for his rival. "Sorry, you got caught up with this."

"Tch you should be, this is taking too much valuable time as it is," Gary said realizing he was showing too much concern, and quickly put his arrogant facade back despite how Brock saw through it easily.

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