New Day New Life

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I sigh as I gaze at myself in the mirror. I'm just sixteen and my whole face is tattooed to look like a skull. The indelible inks injected into my skin make my face chalk white, except for the black ink around my eyes, on my nose and etching out the shape of skull teeth around my mouth. In the dark, my face looks like a skull.

I really do not want this tattoo. It was inflicted on me cos I got tricked into becoming involved with a gang. Just for a day, but that day changed my whole life. As part of initiation, the leader ordered them to tattoo my face - after he knocked me up.

That's right. Knocked me up. I'm so glad I got away from that gang. Then nine months later my son came along. My little Orion is the best thing that ever happened to me.  

Now I'm going back to school. I haven't been for months. I took a long break just before I gave birth to my son.

Mum's already up and she's taken Orion from his crib. I walk into the kitchen where Mum is at the stove and Orion is in his highchair.

"Well look who's finally risen from the dead," jokes Mum.

I touch my tattooed face. "That's a good one."

I plant big kisses on Orion's chubby little cheeks. "Good morning, my little Ori roari baby kins!"

Ori smiles at me.  His toothless little mouth and bright, black eyes are so adorable!

"My adorable widdle boy will grow into a strong, handsome guy," I tell him. "You'll love your silly mummy no matter what, won't you?"

Ori chuckles. I lean my face close and press my nose against his. "You won't laugh at silly mummy's inked face, will you?"

Ori won't make fun of me, but what'll they say at school?

For breakfast I have boiled eggs and blueberries and I spoon feed Orion mashed baby food.

I pick up my son and kiss him. "You be good for Granny."

All too soon I've got to go and get ready for school. What'll I wear? I take off my nightdress and gaze at my tummy. Its still wrinkly. My tummy has had loose skin since I gave birth. I find a plain shirt and a pair of jeans. Plain clothes, but I'll still stand out.

I gaze into the mirror as I brush my long dark hair. I gaze at my reflection with her skull-face.  My reflection gazes back at me with her hazel eyes   Wish I had long red hair. That might distract from my face. Something to think about.

I'm getting a text message from my friend Shelley. She's the only girl I know from school who really stood by me, even though I'm now a single mother with a face inked to look like a zombie. Shelley's going to walk me to school.


Looking at the imposing grey structure of the school building, I'm feeling all anxious and sweaty, even though Shelley's holding my hand like the great gal she is. "You'll do fine, Leah. School hasn't changed that much."

"That's why I'm nervous," I mumble.

"Let's stride through the gates with nothing but confidence."

"I read something written by a lady with a tattooed face," I say. "She kind of likes all the attention.  Her tattoo is a mask of pretty flowers. But mine..."

"You'll be fine," says Shelley softly.

Some of the kids point at my tattooed face. "She's just escaped from prison!"

"She's just broken out of a crypt!"

I close my eyes and groan. "I wanna go home. I just wanna cuddle Ori and have a cry." 

Teen Mother Skull TattooWhere stories live. Discover now