All three went to the cafeteria to grab lunch together. As they sat down at a table in the cafeteria, they talked about sports.

"Oh! By the way, do you know who did I meet yesterday?", Porchay said with a grin as he kept his spoon and fork aside.

"Who? Barrack Obama?" Mike joked, causing John to burst into laughter.

"I wish.", Porchay said. "But I met our university's sports king, Macau!"

"What?!", both exclaimed at the same time.

"Yeah", Porchay said. "But there is something we didn't know about him"

"And what is that?", Mike asked.

"He is a Theeranpanyakul.", Porchay said.

"You mean he is Kim's brother?", asked John.

"Not brother but cousin," Porchay clarified.

"That makes him genetically an asshole.", Mike said.

"Surprisingly, he is not", Porchay said. "He and Kim's real brother are both really nice and handsome but quite flirtatious unlike Kim who doesn't value a person and always looks down upon others."

"But he is handsome, though", John added. Mike nodded while Porchay rolled his eyes.

"But where did you meet him anyway?", asked Mike.

"I was forced to attend a wedding yesterday.", Porchay said.

"Whose?", asked John.

"Kim's ex-fiancé's wedding," Porchay replied.

"Whoa!! Attending  his ex's wedding?! That dude is way too cool man!", Mike said. Porchay gave him death glares while John burst into laughter again.

"Anyway, P'Macau asked me to join the chess club", Porchay said.

"That's cool!", Mike said. Porchay nodded.

"Oh! I almost forgot!", John said. "Ryan has found a job for you"

"The fuck! He didn't tell me!!", Mike said agitatedly.

"Because he trusts his boyfriend more than his cousin", John said with a smirk. Porchay chuckled.

"What's the job?", Porchay asked.

"It's of a babysitter", John said.

"BABYSITTER?! SERIOUSLY?", both Porchay and Mike exclaimed in disbelief.

"What?! You wanted a decent job immediately and one that pays you well, right?", John said.

"Yeah, but babysitting?", Porchay asked.

"There is another job that pays well in less time but you are doing that already. Do you want to continue that?", John asked as he slammed his hands on the table.

Porchay and Mike exchanged glances. They both realized that John had a point.

Porchay sighed and said, "Fine"

"Babysitting it is then," Mike added with a hint of resignation. Both of them nodded.

"Anyway", Porchay said as he started packing his bag. "We don't have class after this right?"

"Yup", Mike said.

"Okay, I am going to the Café then", Porchay said.

"Why so early?", asked John.

"Well, Kim had asked me to go home early and I have skip café in order to not be late. But...", Porchay said as he stood up from the table. "I don't want to skip going to the café"

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