0 - Prologue

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The CG was doing their usual things of life that they usually do. Blue was brewing some potions, as he liked to play with the results in his free time, Yellow was working on making a flying machine that he'd seen on YouTube, Green was playing some music while Red and Rueben watched, and Second was asleep.

The group was all exhausted. Between the events of Mango, Purple, Victim and TDL, they deserved a break. And thought they had finally gotten a break.

Second soon woke up and greeted Red before glancing at an app he's never seen before.

"What that?"

"Huh?" Red asked. Green also stopped playing his music. Green grabbed Yellow's attention, as him and Blue came over aswell.

The icon was a simple black and white smiley face, the name was "Youareanidiot". Yellow examined it.

"I've never seen anything like it.. maybe it's.. an extension?"

"Hopefully not a virus." Green said, before Blue clicked it.

"BLUE!" Yellow shouted.

"WHAAAT, I WAS CURIOUS!" He laughed.

Suddenly, a bunch of popups appears that all had the same face on them. They were also singing, saying "you are an idiot, ha ha, haha ha." Green groaned.

"This isn't good.." he said. "We just infected Alan's pc with a virus."

"Okay, how do you know it's a virus. It could just be something else for all we know!" Blue argued.

Suddenly a woman appeared. She had long white hair, while wearing the same mask. She wore a white strap suit and white shorts with black buckles.

She snickered. "I see you've met my babies.." she said as a couple of the faces appeared.

"W..who are you??" Second asked.

"Someone you'll definitely be seeing more of. " she said, sharpening her blade. "But oh no, I can't have you here while my babies are affecting this pc. Nope. So.." she said, as she snapped her fingers. One of the faces opened a portal, that sucked them in.

Blue managed to hold on while everyone else got sucked in. She walks over to him.

"Someone's a little clingy~" she said as she stabbed him with the knife in the leg. He screamed in pain, as he let go, getting sucked in aswell.

As they all got up, they were in..


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