Chapter 2: Cabinet Meeting

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Let me first tell you what my nation is all about.

Mercinia, where officially, it is called the Empire of Mercinia. It was an island fictional nation that I made from my imagination.

And as I mentioned before, it has twice the size of Australia. But it is still called an island nation, and not a continent.

Of course, a fictional nation doesn't come without its own history. Firstly, it was a colony of a fictional nation, which I also made. Then, of course, revolutions led to its creation as a republic and also transitioned into an empire again. A very short summary, I must say.

The government. Since it's a nation from a republic to an empire, it has three independent branches; the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary. And of course, in an empire, only the monarchs have absolute authority in these branches. Not just in the branches, but also in the entirety of Mercinia.

As for population, we are supposed to be an island nation, but 44 million should be enough.

"Your Majesty" a voice resounded, this time a feminine voice.

As I pondered the intricate details of Mercinia's governance and history, a knock and a voice were heard from the door.

"Enter," I called out.

The two doors swung open, revealing the figure of a woman stepping into the room. She was dressed in a formal suit, the pencil skirt accentuating her professional demeanor. Her brown hair was neatly tied up, and behind her glasses, dark brown eyes held an air of competence.

From her appearance alone, I assumed she served as a secretary.

"Your Majesty, the members of the Imperial Cabinet and the military leaders have been assembled as requested," she announced, her voice carrying a sense of efficiency.

"Thank you for informing me," I acknowledged with a nod. "I'll be there."

The woman bowed. "Then, I shall guide you."

"Very well"

As the woman turned and left the room, I followed suit, rising from my seat and making my way to a nearby mirror situated on the side wall to fix myself.

After seeing it, I couldn't help but notice that my appearance had undergone a transformation. My hair was now a sleek black, falling just right in length. My eyes were a shade of gray but may appear almost black when I gazed into them.

I was dressed in a white uniform adorned with gold-colored lining, exuding an air of regal elegance. The black epaulets with gold lining added a touch of authority, complemented by the matching black pants.

And my physique was just right as well, not too skinny and not overly muscular, with the appearance of someone aged between 19 and 21.

I truly had become the ruler of Mercinia, the First Emperor, Markus Sutcliffe.

"oh, gotta hurry," I muttered to myself.

After quickly fixing my appearance and giving myself a once-over in the mirror, I approached the two doors and pulled them open with both hands.

"This way, Your Majesty," the same woman said, her right hand extended in the direction we needed to go.


Again with a nod of acknowledgment, I followed the woman as she led the way.

As we walked through the palace hallway, I couldn't help but admire its pristine condition. It was evident that the ruler, let alone a monarch, resided here.

The walls were painted in a pristine white hue, complemented by rich wooden flooring that exuded warmth and elegance. Intricate sculptured designs adorned the walls, adding a touch of grandeur to the surroundings. A luxurious red carpet stretched down the center of the hallway, flanked by rows of chairs for visitors. Above, a chandelier cast a soft glow, its size just right to illuminate the space without overwhelming it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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