Chapter 1: My New Empire

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With the lingering glow of the light still dancing behind my eyelids, I slowly opened my eyes, blinking away the remnants of brilliance that threatened to blind me. The light shone from my eyes, not once but twice, leaving me momentarily disoriented.

"Now, where am I?"  I muttered to myself.

As my vision adjusted, I found myself seated on a plush black chair, surrounded by an air of luxury. Before me stood a desk crafted from rich mahogany, its surface adorned with intricate designs that spoke of craftsmanship and elegance.

But where am I really?

As I looked around, my gaze fell upon two sofas arranged neatly facing a small table in the center of the room. In front of me, the desk stood, commanding attention with its stately presence. The walls were adorned with opulent wallpaper, exuding an air of luxury and refinement.

Behind me, two small flagpoles stood on each side of the desk, their presence adding a sense of solemnity to the room.

"Hmm?" I murmured, my curiosity piqued by the sight of the flags adorning the small flagpoles.

I reached out and gently pulled on one of the flags, eager to uncover the identity of the place where I found myself. This way, maybe I'll know where am I really.


To my surprise, I realized that it wasn't just the old man responding to my musings. He had actually granted my request.

A smile spread across my face, so wide it felt like it could reach my ears.

"Hehehe," I chuckled softly, my heart swelling with a sense of pride and excitement.

As I examined the flag that hung before me, my smile widened even further. It has a gray background and a striking coat of arms at its center. Beneath it, bold stripes of red, yellow, black, yellow, and red adorned the bottom of the flag.

"It really is my nation. The Empire of Mercinia," I whispered to myself.

"Wait! This might be fake," I exclaimed, a sudden surge of doubt flooding my mind.

I am not convinced yet that it has become a reality. What if this was all just an elaborate illusion? What if the flag before me was merely a replica, a clever imitation meant to deceive?

I have to check it all out.


As I surveyed the room further, my attention was drawn to a large window behind me, its surface covered by heavy curtains.

"Might be tempered," I mused, tapping the glass of the window tentatively.

With a determined gesture, I slid the curtains aside, revealing...


Before me stretched a sprawling cityscape, a sight unfamiliar to my eyes. Tall buildings pierced the sky, cars buzzed along busy streets, and verdant parks provided a welcome respite amidst the urban jungle. Near me, a tall fence painted black encircled the immediate area.

But what truly caught my eye were the flagpoles dotting the landscape. The flags atop them fluttered proudly in the breeze, their designs identical to the ones I had seen in the room.

This confirms my suspicions that this was no mere illusion.


Sighing heavily, I made my way back to the desk and sank into the plush chair.

"It really is my nation," I murmured softly to myself.

Closing my eyes, I covered them with my arm, allowing myself a moment of quiet reflection. Despite the doubts and uncertainties that lingered in my mind, a sense of pride and fulfillment washed over me, filling me with a quiet sense of contentment.

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