Chapter 6: Electromagnetic Frequencies.

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(Emily's narration)

I was so excited for Anna and Clarke that I forgot to check the frequencies of this mysterious anomaly.

"Hmm, this is weird. I am getting such strong electromagnetic frequencies. The devices can't pinpoint the exact direction. It's beyond the radar. I have never seen anything like this. Are our devices outdated? I don't understand. Should I talk to Dad? I should send a text message. For now, I need to document the readings. I need Anna's help as well."

(Anna's narration)

"I am pissed up at this guy. He vexes me. He made false accusations. And he dares to look at me like that! Guys like him bask in womanly attention. What was I thinking? I am not that pretty that he would like me so. My ex-classmates made it very clear that I am unattractive. Bloody Racists! He is no different. I am sure of that. He probably had fun with the fake story and bullying me. If he thinks that he got under my skin and got the licence to bully me, he's in deep shit. And why was Emily so cheerful? It's completely out of character. Something fishy is going on between these two."

I stopped thinking and confidently made my way past him to the lab. Emily was already there. She looked at the monitor with intense focus. I decided to comment.

Anna: Looks like you found something interesting!

Emily: The electromagnetic energies are getting stronger. We cannot find the exact coordinates. All we know is that it is near Dreamstale City. The signals are stronger around 11:00 PM and weaker from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM. Which means

Anna: It draws energy from the dark. It looks like this energy is coming from all directions within the radius of Dreamstale City.

Emily peered at the monitor carefully.

Emily: The signals are weak. Very weak. Barely noticeable. You paid attention to details, like always. I'm impressed. I thought you didn't like science.

Anna: I still don't. No matter how good I am in this field, it makes me feel numb. It's your passion, not mine.

Emily: Then why are you here?

Anna: Do you want me to leave?

Emily: I didn't say,

(Emily's narration)

Before I could finish my sentence, Clarke came in carrying a stack of documents.

Clarke: Hey Emily! I brought these files that may contain...

He fell silent after watching Anna near the computer. They locked eyes. He was surprised. Then he narrowed his eyes.

Clarke: What the hell is she doing here? Hey you! Get out of this room before...

Emily: Clarke! She is my sister!

Clarke: But she is an outsider! She has no right to access confidential information!

Emily: Clarke...

Clarke: Your father dropped by. He strictly said to keep her out because she would destroy everything. She can potentially leak information to our enemies! She is volatile!

Anna: Enough!

Anna screamed. She was glaring at Clarke. It did not bode well.

Anna: You are making the same accusations based on my father's white lies.

Clarke: He provided evidence! He said you're mentally unstable.

He held up Anna's prescription and some phones. I was shocked. Dad found out about her diagnosis. He also helps up pictures of Anna spending time with Alex, who turns out to be a traitor and flees before he can be short.

Clarke: You are not allowed to access confidential information. Not only do you have BPD and OCD, but you have also spent time with Alex. For all we know, You could've been leaking information to him.

Anna: So you chose to attack me with my medical diagnosis. You also assumed I was leaking information to a guy I barely knew. I am no traitor.

Clarke: But you are volatile and are bound to make a mistake that will cost us more!

Anna: I am volatile? I'll show you how volatile I am!

Anna looked around for something and found my cold coffee. She threw its contents on his face. Clarke didn't move.

Anna: I wished it was a burning hot coffee. But I didn't want to ruin your "handsome" face.

Clarke: So you find me handsome.


Clarke: You just proved my point. I will keep an eye on you.

Anna: You better stay away from me!

Anna stormed off with glistening eyes. I turned him around and glared at him.

Emily: You had no right to accuse her like that! Perhaps our friendship holds no meaning to you.

Clarke: Emily, don't get personal.

Emily: Says the person who personally attacked my sister.

Clarke: It's my duty. I can't take any risk.

Emily: Bullshit!

Clarke: You can't get biased. Try to be more mature. You are still very young.

Emily: You are rating my maturity by my age? That's new! Oh yeah. You are going to be 29 this April. Feeling old, eh?

Clarke: Emily, I didn't mean that.

Emily: You just did the most typical older adult move. You're being condescending towards a friend because she is too young.

Clarke: Emily, you are young and lack maturity. You are not thinking straight.

Emily: Says the one who is so paranoid that he dumps his trauma on my sister. Congratulations, you are now a professional gaslighter!

Clarke: Emily, please.

Emily: I don't want to do this anymore. I am terminating this friendship. But I know how to separate my personal life from my professional life. From now on, our communication will be strictly professional. And don't forget, I am the owner of DC Labs. I want my sister to be here.

Clarke: Emily, I ...

Emily: You may leave, Captain Harris.

Clarke: Emily, please try to understand.

Emily: Please leave this room. At once.

Clarke stayed for a few more minutes and left. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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