Chapter 1: Anna's Point Of View.

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(A few days before the incident)

January 10, 2024.

Dreamstale City has a reputation for being the city of fantasies. Djinns, Angels, Fairies, Mermaids, Sirens, Kelpies, and all kinds of supernatural species have been a part of our culture for ages. In a few more days and soon it'll be a cultural heritage.

I am working day and night. I am creating posters and banners. I am also rehearsing songs before the big day. I have the whole speech ready. It's my responsibility to supervise everything. So the speech is:

Dear residents and travellers,

Welcome to the 110th Anniversary of the foundation of Dreamstale City! As you all know, our town, Dreamstale City, used to be a habitat of supernatural species like Fairies, Faefolk, Goblins, Mermaids, Elves, Dwarves, Unicorns, Pegasus and many more! Human beings and the Supernaturals were like a big family contributing to the welfare of the town and the townsfolk.

However, with the invasion of foreign lands and their greed for superiority, this city fell victim to their oppression.

The residents of Dreamstale fell victim to slavery. Meanwhile, the Supernaturals of Dreamstale City were captured and kept at labs for research and entertainment. Despite their superpowers, the invaders somehow found out about their weakness. There was no solution but to prepare a coup.

The war went on for years. Many lives were lost. Eventually, the invaders fled.

After witnessing the horrors of human greed and cruelty and the price they paid for THEIR GREED AND ENTERTAINMENT, the Supernaturals decided to leave Dreamstale and go to a place where no human would ever find them. Some human residents chose to follow the supernaturals to their new homes. The rest of the human beings, our ancestors, stayed back and rebuilt the town from scratch.

Today, we are here to honour the lost lives and the rebirth of Dreamstale City!

Hold on...that sounds way too stereotypical and cliche. Is it not? Either way, we don't have much time.

That's all for today! I am going to recite this. It has to be perfect! Our reputation depends on this!

Yours Sincerely,

Anna Bassett.

"Do you honestly believe this legend? Your immaturity gives me migraines"

I turned around after hearing this and saw my twin sister, Emily.

Anna: Do you always have to ruin the mood?

Emily: Anna...

Anna: I know where you're going with that! You are going to say, "Get back to reality, Anna! Life is not a fairytale. The supernaturals do not exist!"

Emily: That's what I was going to say. Thanks for saving my energy.

Anna: What's your problem? Why do you always keep pestering me!? Mom and Dad already scolded me a lot. And now you!? Who gave you the right to dominate me?

Emily: Not this again...

Anna: you are...

Emily: I don't have the time for this. I am your older sister...

Anna: By 2 minutes!

Emily: It still counts. I raised you. You have no idea what it's like to be the older sibling. Anyway, Mom's calling you for dinner. Be polite and control your emotions.

And then she left me behind. She is such a jerk and "So Noble". She has become more arrogant after her dad retired from DC laboratories. It's been years since she joined DC Labs. I don't know whether I should pity her or envy her.

She is the breadwinner of our family. She has always been the favourite child. I, on the other hand, was left out. It's not like our parents hate me or something. It's just we get treated differently. We have a dysfunctional family and a toxic sibling dynamic. Emily thinks I am lucky that I don't need to do a job. Except, I am getting paid for cultural events like this one. I feel so peaceful when she's away at the labs. She steals the spotlight.

It's we are the characters of Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility. She is Elinor Dashwood, the rational older child. I am Marianne Dashwood, the emotional child. So be it. I am done trying to prove myself worthy of being noticed. What if I was the only child? Would I be worthy?

But at the end of the day we are twins. We are tied to each other by some invisible thread. I could feel it when she was unwell or in danger. Emily doesn't believe me. But I swear I can feel it when she's in danger. Emily could easily avoid getting in danger. If only she would listen to me! As much as I dislike her, I love her. I want her to be safe.

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