23- "Weiss Vs Verdix."

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"The brave men did not kill dragons.
The brave men rode them." ~ Game of Thrones


"So, how was it?" Boro inquired, his eyes fixed on the stadium, slowly filling out with spectators.

Hazel hesitated before responding. "Um, it was alright. Not too bad."

"You're a terrible liar; you know that, don't you?" Boro remarked, raising a sceptical eyebrow.

Hazel squirmed in her seat, feeling the weight of Boro's scrutiny.

They were seated in spar stadium number three, the largest of the three arenas designed for spar practices and contests. Spanning nearly five hundred yards across, this stadium was also used to host the Passing-Out Test for students graduating from their respective schools.

Hazel and Boro were at the secondary level, but Boro was two grades above her and in a different department within the same school.

All the schools were directly or indirectly linked to the Dragonite army. Graduates from these schools were required to work for the king and queen in various capacities. Ultimately, everyone served the close-knit community of Dragonite in a mutually beneficial way.

They were studying at the school of Wyrm Specialisation and Spy Squad Division. The head of their school was Master Baldasar Nosh. Known for his gruelling teaching methods, he had previously taught Dragon Lord and War Commander Ellayandro Paula who was known as one of the fiercest warriors in Dragonite history.

Their school included the Department of War Mechanics and Pyrotechnics, which was Boro's area of study, along with Hexa Weiss, a snarky 17-year-old who was always trying to push Hazel.

The second department focused on Reconnaissance and Spy Operations, involving Rose Badoer, Aulus Muncius, and Herle di Fiorelli.

Lastly, there was the Department of Portals and Barriers Management. This was where Hazel was studying alongside the brother-and-sister duo, Ira Yscar and Tsar Yscar. And the final and fourth member of their department was a blonde boy by the name of Guy Mazet, who was also their senior but always eager to be of help.

All the schools housed students from ages 11 to 18, providing eight years of specialised training that included both theory and practical tests to prepare them for the grand Passing-Out Test held at age 19.

The test was set by the War Commander himself and it was notorious for being exceedingly challenging, with very few students passing on their first attempt.

The Passing-Out Tests were a big deal in Dragonite; whenever one was held, the entire community came to watch in the stadium. Sometimes, even the Queen and the King attended the spectacle, personally crowning the graduates.

The test also marked a significant transition from childhood to adulthood. Those who passed were treated with honour and respect when they joined the army.

Boro was in grade seven, he would be graduating next year, and Hazel was halfway through the grade five. She was currently studying the manipulation of portals and barriers, a topic she was thoroughly enjoying.

Hazel glanced around, noticing the vacant benches being occupied by the first and second years.

Even though, the spar lessons typically started in the fourth grade, young students were always eager to learn new manoeuvring techniques from the seasoned warriors and apply it to their training.

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