Chapter 11: Hunting for Clues

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* * * Trigger warning: addiction (to magic) is mentioned briefly in this chapter * * * 

It was dark now, and The Green was quiet. Golden light spilled out from all the houses that surrounded the triangle of green. Smoke from chimneys curled upwards into the night sky.

Darius and I made our way over to Mistaria Heath's cottage in silence. The familiars and Tomasina followed behind. The gravity of the missing witch, and the consequences for all involved, had sobered everyone, stifling any chance for conversation.

As we crossed The Green, directly this time, seeing as though there was no-one about to witness us, I mulled over the case. Or rather, I mulled over why anyone would want to involve Darius in it. The more I thought about it, the less likely it seemed that another faction would be involved. Surely two separate groups could not want Mistaria Heath at the same time? Yet, as unlikely as it seemed to me, I had to admit, I knew little enough of the magical community. Perhaps infighting was common, and somehow the missing witch had got caught up in it. Or, was involved in it herself.

When we reached the cottage, Darius asked us to wait by the gate while he sniffed for scents as only a werewolf could do. I took the opportunity to expand my knowledge of the magical scene in Morteton.

'Tell me, was Mistaria part of any kind of group in the magical community?'

'She was in a book club,' Tomasina announced. 'That's where I first met her.'

I stared at her for a moment, not really knowing how to respond to that. 'I don't think a book club is deadly enough to result in our witch going missing. I was thinking of something a little more...magical. Dangerous. Occult.'

'Oh, I understand now, sir. You're wondering if she has secret friends that like to do dastardly deeds and sacrifice people in the ruins at the top of Hangman's Hill, when the moon is full.'

'People have been sacrificed in the ruins on Hangman's Hill?' I asked incredulously.

'No. Not that I've heard. Have you heard something different?'

'No, but you just said-'

'I was creating an example, sir. You had me worried for a moment. Fancy that, people being sacrificed up at Hangman's Hill!'

I welcomed the silence that returned. For those few heartbeats, I had begun to doubt whether I knew my home town at all.

'She is one of the mentors at Spellcaster's Anonymous. You know, the magical addiction support group.'

No. This was something else I did not know. Tomasina must have realised this piece of information was new to me, so started to explain.

'The addiction to magic is on the rise across the kingdom,' she stated, matter-of-factly. 'Especially amongst the young. Some are looking for adventure and excitement. Others are looking for an escape from the drudgery of their lives. Some believe that they are gifted, whether born gifted or accidentally gifted. Whatever the reason, they are turning to magic, and more-often-than-not, backstreet magic. It doesn't take long for them to get hooked, and need more and more, until they can barely function properly.'

'It sounds serious.'

'It is. Mistaria works with some of those worst affected.'

'You spoke of backstreet magic. What does that mean exactly?'

'It means the magic isn't checked for safety purposes or comes from someone not qualified to hand it out. Some of the spells come directly off the blackmarket and are illegal, usually imported from elsewhere. But sometimes it's just magic in the hands of those who don't know what they are doing, giving it out to others who don't know what they are doing. And then it's just a dark spiral downwards, often ending in crime and death.'

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