7- Hayley

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I open my eyes, finding myself laying face first on the grass ground. Drecca flaps his wings, cawing loud in my ears. I sit up, and look at him, trapped in his cage. I use my magick to unlock the cage, and he flutters out.

He hops up onto my knee, twisting his head this way and that, before he looks right into my eyes.

"He is worried about you," says Aldrea.

He's worried about me? He's the cursed one, not me!

"He loves you, Hayley."

I look away, and see the woods that rise all around us. "Oh, Drecca. Where are we?"

An unfamiliar voice answers my question.

"You are in Hraalka Forest," says the voice. I turn toward them, and see a person hovering above the grass, their dark skin covered in beautiful, glowing silver tattoos. They wear a white robe, the hood over their head, and the shadows of the hood make it damn near impossible to see their face.

"Drecca," I whisper. "He needs help."

The person tilts their head.  "Oh, I can see. He is trapped in a new form. One that will not be good for you, or me. Especially now. So.... come here, Hayley Moon."

"Who are you?"

"I can help you and your beloved Drecca," says the figure. "I suppose there is a need for introductions."

"Yes," I say.  "There is."

"Very well," says the figure. "Call me Halcyon."

"Halcyon," I repeat. "Okay. Why help us?"

Halcyon sighs. "Because I am.... your half-sibling."

"What?" I whisper. "What are you talking about?"

"Your father, the God of Death. He is my father, as well. But perhaps I should... leave it at that."

"Um, okay? But uh, how can you help me? Help us?"

Halcyon gestures to Drecca, and the big crow that was once my lover flaps his wings. He doesn't want to leave me. Halcyon lowers their hood, and I see a pair of glowing silver eyes and long, black hair. Their cheekbones and jaw are sharp, very prominent. They have smooth, dark skin, and their tattoos on their neck glow.

Drecca looks at me. He is scared, somehow, I just know it.

"Help him."

Halcyon nods and walks up to us. They reach out a hand, and I nod to Drecca. He flutters onto the strange being's hand, and he looks up at them. Then, Halcyon whispers something in a language I don't understand. The words are quiet and fast, but then, they grow louder.

Drecca makes a strange, almost shrieking sound. I flinch. "Drecca? Drecca, please, come back to me!"

The shriek devolves into his voice, turning into him crying in pain. My own pain flares, as if it's in response, and I collapse, crawling toward him, my wings dragging behind me. Drecca lays there, totally naked, and he lifts his head, turning to look at me.

His long, curly black hair falls into his pale face, his dark eyes shining with tears.  "Hayley? Can you ... understand me?"

"Yes!" I whisper.

Drecca seizes me then, throwing his arms around my shaking body. He presses me close, kissing me over and over again. "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you from my father and Poppy. I'm so, so sorry.... "

"No, Drecca, it's okay," I assure him. "Please don't blame yourself for their sins."

Halcyon clears their throat. They toss a long, black cloak to him, and Drecca scoops it up. He pulls on the robe, and then, he helps me up. I am wobbly, and I realize my cane, which somehow was with me this whole time, is shattered. I sigh, sagging against Drecca.

Halcyon snaps their fingers, and a silver light flashes through their hands. They then pass me a long, slender but firm cane made of silver metal. Halcyon smiles.

"I am afraid this is all I could do," they say. "Good luck, you two. For now, I must retreat."

"Can you help us get home?" Drecca asks.

But then, Halcyon is gone.

Drecca curses. "Okay, we should get out of here."

I lean against him. "Drecca. I'm so sorry that they ..."

"Shh," he whispers. He looks down at me. "Trust me when I say that this isn't your fault, Hayley." He then kisses me. "Come on, we should get going. I think I know where to go."

Darkness & Light:  Book 2: Shatter Our HopeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora