Chapter 58 ~ A Wallop For All Seasons

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Junko: Oh man, everyone is staring at us. This was a bad idea
Finn: They just need to be won over by a little Finn charm
Luna: Uh, Finn. I don't that's a-

Too late, Finn walked up to a wallop and called them a dude, only for them to turn around and reveal to be a female wallop as she snarled at him, making Finn scream.

Mags: I told you he was going to be the first to something stupid
Finn: Oh, sorry about that... Ma'am. Honest mistake [turns around] What? She looked like a dude from behind, come to think of it, they all sorta look like dudes from behind
Mags: You mean how you thought Luna was dude when she stowaway into the Condor

Stork and Luna quickly ran up to Finn and covered his mouth but the female wallop was ready to fight Finn, when Piper stepped in.

Piper: Ah.... I'm so sorry. He didn't mean anything by that

Unfortunately that only made it worse when she got ready to punch while other Wallops were ready to jump in on this, making us panic and confused as to what we did wrong.

Piper: Okay, what did I just do?
Junko: Piper, lower your hands!! On wallop that's how you challenge someone to a fight!!
Luna: WHAT?!
Piper: Oops [lower her hands] [nervously laughs]

Piper hid her hands away while the female wallop backed off and walked away, but things got worse when Radarr leaned onto a piece of wood that it caused a couple of tall rocks to tumble down like dominos.

Junko: Took a monk ten years to build that

[Angry growls]

Junko: [nervously laugh] Outsiders, you know how they are... Run!!!

We started to run for our lives as we had enough time to hide behind a food stand and avoid the angry mob as they ran past us, when the coast was cleared we got out from our hiding spot.

Stork: Well, that went better than I expected
Radarr: [squawk]
Mags: You could have told us about your culture before coming here
Junko: Sorry guys. Wallops have their own way of doing things. You guys need to stick close to me
Finn: I still think that was a dude, should I go back and ask if-
Stork/Luna: [cover Finn's mouth] Absolutely not
Mags: One more word about it Finn, and I'll put you in the infirmary

Finn quickly nodded, and we went back to our route to see what the urgent message is that Junko needs to head back for. We arrived as one of the guards spoke.

Wallop Guard A: Chief Thragg is waiting for you

They let us through as we walked in to spot the chief standing ontop of a stump as the other wallops spotted us and started muttering while locking their eyes on Junko when he walked up to the chief.

Junko: As you command

Chief Thragg stepped down from the stump and walked towards Junko, making us anxious as to what could he possibly need Junko for that was urgent. He took the golden object and held it up as he spoke at the top of his lungs.

Thragg: Welcome back, Junko!!!


Luna: [whispers] I'm assuming this is good
Mags: [whispers] Don't know
Thragg: The clan has chosen you, Junko, to take over the family business!
Aerrow: What exactly is the family business?
Thragg: You are familiar with the Wallop known as "Dilly"
Junko: Great uncle Dilly
Thragg: Having reached old age, Dilly has decided to retire
Junko: Chief Thragg, I can't run the family business! I'm a Storm Hawk. We're in the middle of an important mission!
Thragg: [glares] The clan has made its decision!!! To reject them would bring shame on your family. Is that what you want?
Junko:... No
Thragg: SO BE IT!!! Your destiny has been sealed

A Moon in the Sky [Finn X Oc X Stork]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ