He told everything – everything that had happened in the last five years leading up to this point. It took him ten minutes, and viewers were captivated.

People in every com-zone on the planet stopped what they were doing to watch this most peculiar broadcast. It was as if there were something in the air that slowed the flow of time, or expanded it. Hanthran itself seemed to creep slowly to its zenith and then remain there, directly above Kypro, as if it too were peering down into the sunlight shaft of the Central Control Tower to watch the proceedings and could not be troubled about its westward journey.

For the com-zones on the dark side of the planet the live broadcast was watched by those who were awake in the middle of their night, then as people began to rise, they too, at some point, were captured by the surreal, mystical nature of the broadcast, which was played back two times after the live version.

Two other members of the ruling council spoke and confirmed what their prime ruler had said, then there was a pause. The angle of the camera widened to include the huddle of rulers sitting on the floor and the Baccaran standing beside them. The scene was static but for slight movements of eyes or twitches of mouths, as if they were all participating in a contest of motionlessness.

It was clear that the rulers and the weird-looking black-clad figures wished nothing more than for this to end, and that is why the people of Ophilion were riveted to the scene – they wanted to see how this would, in fact, end.

What was happening and why? What was this alteration of time and space they all felt but could not explain? Who was behind this unprecedented event?

The figures remained silent and immobile as the camera slowly zoomed in on one of the black-clad figures. As his eyes came into focus most people experienced varying degrees of revulsion and fear. Clearly, this person was not Ophilion. Where had he come from? What did he want with their world?

Lothion was out of options. The Merenthaal had them cornered, heavily outnumbered, and under the restricting influence of the device. There was no way they could fight their way out at this point.

The Baccaran commander had not guessed that his ancient foes would attempt this kind of brazen attack – sequestering the entire ruling body of a major citizen center and forcing them to act against their will. The Merenthaal were clearly desperate. They were also taking heavy risks. They would be required to give account for these illegal actions in court, and they would be penalized.

It would be difficult to evaluate the infractions due to the complex nature of this stage of the endgame, but Lothion figured the odds would fall against his enemies.

He, the commander of his own corps of Baccaran, would inevitably be invited to give testimony – and he would accept. He would recount, in detail, every infraction – every rule broken – every statute violated. Of course, by then he would also have control of his own star system with enough natural energy to consolidate, then expand.

The Court would, under the Code, be forced to recognize his gains as legitimate and withdraw all Merenthaal forces from the Hanthran system. These delightful notions were all that kept his rage in check.

Yes, the Merenthaal would release them soon, they would have no choice. Every hour they kept them captive was an hour to account for. This was a costly undertaking.

Lothion's face darkened as he made his confession. "Yessss," he hissed, "It is true, and yes, we were the masterminds behind it, if you must know. Yes, our plan is to dominate your star system and harvest the energy reserves of Quarinor." He spoke with as much disdain as he thought was reasonable under the circumstances.

Meltdown Ophilion  - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now