Power and control would be lost by some, gained by others. The trajectory of civilization would now shift; the question was only: to what extent? An atmosphere of somberness seemed to encase all present like snow falling and settling. Rulers, rogue science chiefs, Cholan factory workers-turned-Merenthaal-representatives, a Regalan student. They were on a level field at this moment. Together they would witness the beginning of a major alteration in their world.

"These beings – the Baccaran – are indeed powerful beings, but theirs is a dark power which cannot be used for any benevolent purpose. They are cunning and deal only in deceit. Don't trust anything they say. You will see them now in their more human form, but I will tell you that they have other forms as well – forms of their true nature – which they have developed over millennia."

Greshon watched Arthur's eyes, seeking veracity. They never mentioned their 'other forms,' he thought.

"And we'll let you in on another secret which they have not told you." Arthur locked eyes with the prime ruler. "These deceitful beings were not always Baccaran; they used to be agents of the Merenthaal, as we are." The rulers' surprise was evident.

"A disagreement arose in the Galactic Court that could not be settled. A high-ranking commander of the Merenthaal opposed a motion that was put forth by the court. He gave his arguments and battled using legal means, but he lost that battle; then he also lost his reason. It was his duty, according to the Code of the Merenthaal, to follow the new law, but he refused. He called on his subordinates to support him, and many did.

"If they had left peacefully we could have remained in peace, but they chose conflict. The dissidents made a surprise attack on the Court itself. Such a thing had never happened. The battle widened and it seemed, for a short time, that the rebels would win, but as the fighting intensified the tide turned and they were defeated.

"They were expelled from the Court and from Merenthaal lands, however, they were allowed to remain free agents in keeping with the Ancient Code, upon which the Code of the Merenthaal is founded. They have since taken their vengeance, not on the Court, but on the settled worlds." Arthur paused. Scenes from CAS missions flashed through his brain. "And, if the citizens of a settled world accept them, we are not permitted to prevent it."

He looked around at his captive audience. "As agents of the Merenthaal we relinquish material possessions and citizenship on our home world. As Merenthaal our duty is to protect and serve the people of the settled worlds. As Merenthaal we may not influence the choices of the citizens of the settled worlds." Arthur looked directly at Greshon. "As Merenthaal... we sometimes bend the rules... maybe even break some of them."

Arthur's condensed history of the forces of the First Dimension had a significant effect on the Ophilion in the studio. For some of them it was as if Hanthran were dawning on their minds; others, however, grew more skeptical.

Arthur continued: "In accordance with the Ancient Code, the Baccaran are allowed to remain as free agents even though they oppose the Court, however, we do not permit them to invade or control settled worlds unless they are invited by the citizens of that world. Then, the more they are accepted the more they are able to operate in the 'second dimension' – the one you see around you now.

In the case of Ophilion, you, the Ruling Council of Kypro, have given them a great deal of control," Arthur accused. "At this point it is too late to reject them; even we cannot stop them now. They will have their way regardless of what we do. If you oppose them they will not hesitate to eliminate you, which they will probably do in the end anyways.

"Still, there is a way in which the Baccaran play a vital role for the settled worlds: they are often the catalyst for change and new levels of growth and progress. Although they delight in power and control which result in destruction and death, still, great beauty can come of the ashes of degradation and collapse. Once arrogant inhabitants see their world through new eyes and are able to evaluate clearly things of lasting value."

The studio was silent and still, all eyes on the Merenthaal commander. "I know," he said, "we know," he motioned to the three other Almaron and they came together and touched hands. "Our world, Earth, passed through this phase one thousand cenro ago and the four of us were there, and we lived it; not as agents of the Merenthaal, but as you are now, as mortals.

"Our world was torn apart, our civilization suffered degradation and collapse; and we suffered through it. We survived through it. We held to the Ancient Code and the Merenthaal arrived – much in the same way we are here now. We are just doing what was done for us. This is our duty, and our honor. When the Baccaran become a threat to any world, we are there." Arthur looked at the rulers and his expression was deadly serious. "Balance will be kept."

There was something like a moment of clarity among the rulers. They had just witnessed something so profound, so pure; beings that were once like them, who had come from another part of the galaxy, supposedly to give assistance at a time of dire need. But there had to be a catch; Greshon was waiting for the hidden clause. There had to be something he could use here. There was an ulterior motive. He would expose it and exploit it.

There had to be something in it for the Merenthaal. They were powerful – maybe as powerful as the Baccaran; although these 'Merenthaal' certainly weren't all powerful. There was a way to each heart and mind. They wanted what every other powerful entity wanted – more power. Greshon was ready to make a bargain; it seemed the only thing to do at this moment. He looked at Arthur with an expression of sincerity and the agent granted him his question.

"I understand now who you are," the prime ruler flattered, "and I see why the Baccaran oppose you. You are both forces to be reckoned with and we obviously have something you both want." Greshon had figured it out. Both of these alien forces wanted access to the vast natural energy reserves of Quarinor, but they had the same problem – the bioshield; so, they were vying for control of the shield-piercing weapons. One of these alien groups would take control once the weapon had been perfected.

Arthur nodded, allowing him to continue. "I am willing to make a bargain with you," Greshon said, trying to read the alien's face. Arthur raised his eyebrows showing interest. "I will give you a position in the ruling body, you and your commanders, and wealth for all of your people – believe me, there will be plenty to go around once we have Quarinor. I promise that you will get your share. In exchange you will give us some of your technology. I believe we would all come out ahead if we were to collaborate."

The prime ruler looked hopefully at his captor. If all went well the Baccaran and the Antarion would kill each other off before this was over, but more likely one of these alien forces would remain victorious and he would be forced to share the profits. Still, if they shared technology in exchange for power it could all turn out to his advantage in the end. But they needed Quarinor – once they had their neighboring settled world they would have everything.

"Sounds like a good deal," Arthur said, turning to the other Antarion. Maria nodded, and Greshon could see what he hoped was ambition in the eyes of the four immortal humans from Earth. He could not tell what the Meloria were thinking, their expressions were inscrutable.

"It is very important that we conclude the tests as soon as we are ready," Greshon stated, regaining confidence. "If it is your desire, you can take the Baccaran and do with them what you want, my offer will stand," and he smiled as friendly a smile as was possible, which resembled a shark's toothy grin. "We can rule all of this together."

"I'll tell you what," Arthur said, and Greshon braced himself for concessions. "You make this broadcast and if everything turns out okay, we'll talk details."

"But... this broadcast will only work against us," the ruler warned in reasonable tones. "It will destabilize the system, and we don't want that."

"There are some things we don't see eye to eye on, Greshon, but I will ask you to do this now – I ask you to trust me that this is for the good of Ophilion. I don't have time to explain further," Arthur looked over to his colleagues and silently exchanged information. "We broadcast soon, but I promise to have a long talk with you about all of this once we are safely past this critical period." He paused and waited while he received a telepathic message. "They are bringing the Baccaran into the studio now." He looked around at the citizens of Ophilion - of Kypro - of Bonthran-Tell. "They will not harm you as long as we are here, but you would do well to keep your distance."

Meltdown Ophilion  - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now