Maria and Arthur nodded meaningfully.

Greshon quickly rose and ran for the emergency exit in the wall behind him. He pulled hard but the door would not open. He stopped and remained still, his hand on the latch. "What do you want?" he said wrathfully.

"Sit down and let's talk," Maria said.

The prime ruler was out of options. He would wait for his guard to arrive before further confrontation. He turned and, regaining his composure and his arrogance, slowly walked back to the table. "You're lying," he accused, careful to keep his anger in check. "You only want the rulership of the com-zones for yourselves, and Quarinor too I suppose, once we've taken down their shield. You want to take all that we have worked so hard for and use it for your own purposes. You want to be the rulers of the Hanthran system, don't you?" Greshon could see he was near the truth; his antagonist's expression had changed, although he had no idea how this might play out. He hoped the Baccaran were aware of this alarming event and would soon come to his rescue.

Maria looked at her opponent, sadness in her eyes, remembering similar scenarios from other CAS events. "Is that what the Baccaran have told you?" she asked. Greshon didn't answer. Maria shook his head. The sadness she had felt for a few seconds was replaced by indignation. "It is they who lie," she said calmly but firmly. "They are the ones who want rulership, and once they are finished with you they will destroy you as they have many others before you."

"More lies," Greshon said through clenched teeth. "They have delivered in everything they have promised, and now we have the possibility of ruling Quarinor as well, and we are going to take it!"

"You can try," Maria said, locking eyes with him, "but before you do, we need you to do something for us."

"I will do nothing for you! I have seen the power of the Baccaran and I daresay that when they find out what you are doing here, they will meet you with the kind of magic that you are not prepared to withstand."

"The Baccaran," Maria informed them, and there was a note of disdain in her voice, "along with your new Science Chiefs, are at this moment being held in the laboratory by members of the Merenthaal guard. They will not be released until you do for us what we request."

Greshon looked at them darkly and shook his head.

"You can go the easy way... or the hard way. It's up to you."

"You can't touch us," Greshon said defiantly, "we are the rulers of all of Kypro, and soon of all Ophilion, then Quarinor!"

"Have it your way," Maria said. She then addressed the members of the ruling body, "We will now escort you all to the media center where a division of our guard is waiting. There, you will tell the people of Ophilion the truth. Some old friends of yours will tell them what will happen when you test the explosives in the asteroid belt."

"And then what?" Greshon quipped, "you leave and let us go about our business?"

"Yes, actually," Maria answered evenly. "This is what we refer to as 'aggressive negotiations'; it may seem unfair that we force your will, but we believe we are following the 'spirit of the Code'."

A devious smile appeared on Greshon's face. "That's not what the Baccaran told me." He had finally taken notice of the four round-eyed Ophilion youth who, after Greshon's pistol shot, had moved to stand behind the Merenthaal commanders. Encouraging distrust in authority can be an effective tactic. "The way they explained it: if you force us, citizens of Ophilion, to act against our will, you will be penalized in the Galactic Court. Isn't that the way it goes? You would be stripped of your status in the Merenthaal – powerless without regaining citizenship on your homeworld – Earth is it called? Doesn't seem like a good bargain to me."

There was silence for a few seconds. The Antarion telepathically exchanged information. He's been educated, Maria projected.

Yes, Arthur answered, I wonder what else he knows, and how he can use it.

We are acting in violation of the Code.

We already knew that. Any changes to the plan?

Maria's reply was instantaneous. No.

"It's a risk we're willing to take," she told Greshon in a rather casual tone. "Perhaps the judges at the court will be lenient. But, don't worry about us," Maria couldn't help taking a sarcastic tone, "we're not breaking any rules, just... bending them a little." She realized she was exaggerating, but she needed the effect. "Here's the way it goes," she looked around at the rulers, catching their eyes. "We can't make you speak to the people, but we can make you very sorry you didn't."

Greshon laughed, "So what's the point, we can tell everyone that it was a hoax, we can tell them that there is no test; no Baccaran, no plan to dominate Quarinor."

"That's up to you," Maria returned, "and most of the people will probably believe you," she leaned forward and looked directly into Greshon's eyes, "but some will not. Some will think about the information they will be given and they will leave the com-zones, and they will survive."

"Well, maybe we're better off without them."

"What will it matter, Greshon, if you're dead."

The prime ruler experienced an unexpected surge of dread at the realization that these intruders might actually be right. It was a bizarre experience, he seemed to lose control of himself; of the com-zone; of the future. But Greshon had great mental acuity and strength. He willed the toxic thoughts from his consciousness, forcing himself to regain control - forcing the fear out of his perception of reality. His world was the only world. He would come out on top in this as well. He had overcome greater hurdles. The Baccaran would rectify this situation.

"If you take me anywhere, then it will be by force!" Most of the other rulers supported their leader by defiantly facing the group of six.

"So be it," Maria said in a measured tone, "we're running out of time, and yet, I hope that some of you decide to give our story a chance." She pointed at the door and it burst open. In the next few seconds twenty otherworldly beings entered – members of the Merenthaal guard, Meloria who were strangers to the young Ophilion. They were decked in full battle gear; pointed, glittering weapons in hand. They each took position behind the seats which the rulers occupied and awaited their orders.

Greshon panicked. He realized now that he had no choice, and for the first time the Baccaran were not there when he needed them. Fear shot through him. Maybe this is it! Maybe they are stronger than the Baccaran. No! No, it can't be. Not this close, then lost! "No," Greshon raised his voice, "We will not yield. This world is ours and so is Quarinor. You may take us into custody now, but when the Baccaran discover this they will use their power and bring you down!"

"Take them." Maria said.

The workers on the ruler's floor watched in stunned silence as the entire ruling counsel of Kypro was marched down the hall by unimaginable super-beings. The frantic guards and an entire back-up unit had managed to open the doors just in time to witness this most alarming event. Maria gave a nod and each one of the unfortunate men felt their strength drain away as they saw their field of vision funnel to a dark point before crumpling to the floor in unconsciousness.

Meltdown Ophilion  - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now