Upside down

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Rhea felt like she was going to go crazy as she ran down the hall of the hospital once she got the number to your room not ready for what she would see. She had been watching your match between your team the Florida Panthers and The Arizona Coyotes after coming home from a workout with a few of her friends feeling so proud as she watches you on the ice practically outshining the opposite team until it suddenly came crashing down during a brawl and pileup, you grab the foot of your teammate who immediately knew something was wrong by the look on your face before everyone noticed the pool of blood on the ice leading to your coach bringing the paramedics on the ice and taken to the hospital while rhea was already out the door frantically calling your coach and getting on the first flight to Arizona as you arrive and taken straight to surgery. She walks in the room to find you unconscious with a ventilator and a bandage around your neck making her heart sink to the floor as she sits by your side before quietly sobbing and calling Damian, "I can't lose her Damian, god I can't lose her" doctors said that your jugular was sliced and if it hadn't have been for your teammate Oliver pressing his hands over your neck until you were at the hospital then you definitely would have had died in the ambulance due to the blood loss but even with that the doctors were worried if you would pull through with a full recovery which terrified not just rhea and your team but the rest of your friends and family. But after four days you slowly improved especially after another surgery getting your left jugular vein removed recovering and taking your time to get back on the ice slowly until you came back for your first match after four months, you smile seeing rhea and your family in the crowd as you pick up where you left off when you got injured which would lead to you not only being known as your team's MVP but also becoming player of the year despite your injury and your life going upside down as you recovered but with rhea and everyone you loved by your side, you came back and transformed your career in an unexpected way that changed your life in a wonderful way.

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