Low appetite

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You had been up for a bit and confused when Mustafa still hadn't woken up going upstairs to find his face a flushed red blowing his nose and coughing which you knew immediately that he either had the flu or a stomach bug as you take his temperature with a thermometer. His temperature was 103.6 which worried you about realizing after hearing him talk and his sluggish attitude that he had a cold immediately making him soup bringing him water and crackers going through the kitchen and bathroom cabinets as he eats finding the day and night cold medicine along with cough drops having him take the first dose of the day cold medicine putting a wet rag on his forehead making sure he always drank water to keep hydrated checking on him throughout the day out running errands coming home to make lunch finding him asleep fixing the blankets and rag on his forehead waking him up as soon as lunch was done but he didn't eat but two bites concerning you that all he was really doing was drinking tons of water with sips of Gatorade and milk in between bit he wasn't eating a lot "Is your stomach bothering you?" he shrugs simply saying that just didn't have an appetite to eat feeling full realizing that because colds cause allergies even minor ones to have fluid drain from your head to your ears and throat that it was affecting his stomach. He finishes lunch thirty minutes later before drinking another gatorade eating all of dinner despite that he still felt full and no urge to eat but he did anyway both knowing that he had to and that it would scare and worry you even more after earlier and once he was done you gave him the night flu before the two of you were asleep doing laundry around the house as he sleeps in a bit before waking him up and having him eat soup again soon falling into a routine of carefully administrating the medicine four hours apart with both medicines for the next three days before giving him one dose each hours apart waking up to find him much better than he had been as he made coffee and breakfast feeling relief wash over you that he was back to being 100% laughing when he goes straight to the gym saying he needed to make up for the lost time of working out while he was sick not before giving you a kiss thanking you for taking care of him.

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