Prank war

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You yell as a bucket of cold water is poured on you chattering as you walk to the hall to your locker room wondering who the hell poured water on you until you run into Carmelo at catering as you finish drying your hair off. "You bastard!" Trick turns around after you burst into his locker room with a glare in your eyes staring him down before throwing a small cup of water in his face "Melo told me it was you who did that you ass" the relationship between you and trick had been weird from the start you didn't necessarily despise or hate each other's guts but you also weren't glued to the hip best friends either the best you could say was that you tolerated each other in certain situations and helped each other in others which confused both of you and drove your friends especially melo nuts deciding that he had enough and would do anything just to get you guys to get along or who knows what else just not to be the way you currently were with and around each other. You decided to get trick back for the cold water but instead you mixed gatorade and salt water together yanking a wire and pouring it on him and soon an all out prank war began between the two of you having a few of the others help mostly melo since he was always stuck between the two of you and he just wanted it to be done with and the two of you got each other good from him putting hair dye in your shampoo, you adding salt to his coffee, to the most simplest of pranks everyone truly didn't know how much longer it would go on for or what the two of you would do to each other that you hadn't done to the other already but it all comes to a head one day after he throws melted chocolate in your face throwing a pie in his and before anyone knew it there was an all out food fight in your house instead of lunch, movies, and jokes everyone laughing as you all cleaned the house and everyone showered while their clothes were in the dryer the last person being trick as you walked downstairs after you shower and get dressed jumping when you see trick behind you as you get a drink from the fridge. "I thought you'd be the first to leave since you hate me" he raises a brow grabbing your arm as you walked away from him "Now who said that?" even though you liked him for awhile you had thought he hated you but the look in his eyes as he looks at you sends chills through you and shows something different than hate not expecting him to lean closer and gently press his lips against yours moving away slowly before you pull him back tangling your hands in his hair as the kiss grew more heated walking in NXT the next morning with a smile quickly covering all the hickeys on your neck he had left before grabbing breakfast from catering "I see you and Trick getting along fine now" let's just say when you respond to melo's sarcastic comment with "I whooped that trick all night if you're asking" if that didn't get the point of what happened between the two of you that night after everyone left across then trick pressing a quick kiss to your cheek definitely did leaving melo stunned after choking on his coffee.

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