Personal nurse

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You were grabbing lunch when Thea texted you with the words "I don't feel good can you please come over?" as soon as you grab your lunch you go to the store grabbing medicine, cough drops, ice cream, soup, crackers, tissues, pepto, and tums before going to her home. After walking in you find her upstairs in bed with a nasal tone to her voice, her eyes watery, and her nose bright red as she wiped her nose with the last tissue from her box glad that you bought three boxes instead of just one as you place your hand on her forehead feeling just how hot she was immediately placing a cool rag on her head and an ice pack wrapped in a hand towel on the back of her neck taking her temperature to see that it was a 103.7 giving her a dose of the DayQuil before having her eat on soup and crackers since it would be easy on her stomach getting half of it down before putting it in the microwave keeping the ice pack cold and the rag on her head wet to help keep her body temperature down so it didn't skyrocket a long with the fever also giving her an allergy nasal spray from the local drug store knowing that it would help keep her head clear so that it wouldn't make her already compromised state worse warming the soup up again a few hours later which she finished along with small pieces of bread after two crackers making sure she always drinks water from the moment you found her to keep her hydrated giving her the NightQuil after the alarm on your phone went off letting you know it had been six hours since the dayquil was given. You watched her as she slowly fell asleep being sure to keep her head positioned up so that none of the fluid in her head would drain to her throat or ears rewetting and draining the rag out and taking the ice pack out of the freezer and wrapped in the hand towel gently placing it against the back of her neck one last time before you went to sleep waking up to find her still asleep waking her up to give her more medicine and eat noticing that she looked a bit better than before checking her temperature seeing that it was now 100.9 slowly keeping the same pattern of taking care of her as the rest of the day went on changing her bedsheets while she showered picking out loose clothes for her to wear as she dried off helping her dress and slowly brushing her hair out putting Netflix on for her before going downstairs and coming back up with a bowel of ice cream to help her itchy throat which it did as she slowly swallowed and held it in her mouth until there was a small amount left keeping the rag on her forehead but not needing the ice pack since her temperature wasn't as high as it was before bringing her homemade pea soup which she thoroughly enjoyed before falling asleep for an hour watching tv again before taking medicine and falling back asleep being wrapped in your arms waking up to find yourself alone in her bed finding her humming downstairs making waffles putting fruits over top enjoying breakfast together before checking her temperature smiling big when it was 97.2 cuddling on the couch "Thank you baby for being my nurse" you laugh as she koala's herself around you "I'll always be your personal nurse whenever".

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